Naanmugan Thiruvandhaadhi-1
From the Bhakti List Archives
Madhavakkannan V • Mon Nov 02 1998 - 20:54:54 PST
Sri: Dearest Sisters and Brothers, With the encouraging words /aseervaathams/blessings from all of you, with the anugrahams of my AchAryan and that of Most Merciful Divya Damapti with me, I dare venture into Naanmukhan Thiruvandhaadhi of Thirumazhisai vandha jOthi- Sri Bhakthisaarar- ThirumazhisaiAzhwAr- The One whose Bhakthi made the Lord obey him and was called “sonna vaNNam seidha PerumAL” (yadhOthkaari”)- the One who actually had learnt, tried all other religions/doctrines., namely., Buddhism, jainism, advaitA and in fact became a staunch devotee of sivA (with a name siva vAkyA). It was Mahadhaahvayar- pEyAzhwAr who argued with him, showed him evidences from vEdAs ans smrithis to claim sriman nArAyaNA as the supreme deity, and finally initiated him into Sri vaishNavic philosophy and named him BhaktisArar. (In fact, it is an interesting thing. my intention was to continue with NammAzhwAr’s other works. But suddenly, yesterday, there was a query from one of srivaishnavas(?) by private e-mail as to whether there is any AchAryA /AzhwAr who had actually studied other sects like buddhism, jainism, and then declared Sri vaishnavam is the ultimate. Naturally, ThirumazhisaiAzhwAr came to my rescue. That is when I thought it is Bhagavadh AgnjA (command) that I need to write on Thirumazhisai AzhwAr’s pAsurams first to remove such false notions / doubts from these princes (of SrivaishNavam) who do not even know that they are princes and that they possess enormous treasure with them in the form of Sriya: pathih Sriman NarayaNan. We can come back to NammAzhwAr’s works later of course!). Thaniyan on Thirumazhisai AzhwAr’s Naanmugan Thiruvandhaadhi NaaraayaNan padaitthaan naanmuganai* naanmuganukku/ yEraar sivan piRandhaan ennum chol*- seeraar/ mozhi seppi vaazhalaam nenjamE!* moi poo/ mazhisaip piraan adiyE vaazhtthu. NarayaNan created Brahman (the four headed one). From this BrahmA, the Siva was born. Such greatest TRUTH was asserted by ThirumazhisaiAzhwAr . Recite his pAsurams and get saved, Oh Mind!. Praise ThirumazhisaiAzhwAr’s Feet. AchAryAs enjoy this AzhwAr’s works, and address them as the sword that has been taken out of its cover (from the waist band) to destroy “other” non- truthful, false notions and doctrines and to establish that Sriya:pathih Sriman NarayananE is Parathvam and AzhwAr has NOT still put the sword back (since the false notion still lingers). Since the 1st pAsuram starts with “Naanmuganai”, this work is called “Naanmugan Thiruvandhaadhi (NMT in short). 1. naanmuganai NaaraayaNan padaitthaan* Naanmuganum/ thaan mugamaay sankaranaip padaitthaan * yaan mugamaay/ andhaadhi mElitaaRivitthEn aazhporuLaich*/ sindhaamaR koNmin neer thErndhu./ NarayaNan created BrahmA (naanmugan- four faced one); BrahmA (thus became the instrument) and created the universe starting with Sankaran. And this I have been blessed to announce in this most important truth. Oh People! you all see, understand the truth in this and don’t let it get out of your mind. MahOpanishad declares this truth that Narayanan is the One who cause of creation for all dEvAs through BrahmA whom He first created. (Thus, AzhwAr implies, “by getting to know the Creator, and the births of BrahmA and Sivan, you all can get rid of your future births”.) 2. When closely studied and investigated, we can realise that jnAnis – all of them- have unequivocally and unambiguously declared that There is only One ParadEvathai. NONE CAN COMPREHEND HIS GREATNESS. This is the only truth that one gets from all sruthis and smruthis. Whomsoever- does whatever karmAs as the way or offering to Him- the fruits of such karmAs come to the doer as a blessing ONLY FROM ChakrapANi Emperumaan Sriman Narayanan. (Even in Narayana Sooktham , at its end , the minutest form of PurushOttaman shining in the heart cave of the chetanas, as antharyaami is being saluted. It concludes with the thundering statement "Sa Brahama, Sa Siva, Sendra, sOkshara Parama Svaraat...".that is: He is Brahma , Siva , Indra , and every thing in the universes created , sustained and destroyed by Him.) 3. SarvEshwaran has His YoganidhrA on ThiruppARkadal (milk ocean); He is showing Himself so gracefully at Srirangam; During MahApraLyam, He slept on the banyan leaf; He is the ONLY CAUSE AND CREATOR FOR EVERYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE. He is the Chief of and seen directly by NithyasUris. During the time of creation, he reclined on the waters (and created the worlds thereafter). Such incomprehensible Lord- My Emperumaan- who has understood Him as I have done? 4. Sivan- the one who has hidden the Ganges in his lock of hairs, is considered equal and shares Parathvam with Sriman Narayanan, as interpreted by some. IS IT ACCEPTABLE? NO! Sriman Narayanan is UNPARALELLED, MATCHLESS, PEERLESS, OPPARILAPPAN. There is none equal to Him, why to talk of supremacy? He has all meaningful words referring to Him only. I JUST SAID THIS SHORTLY AND SIMPLY ABOUT EMPERUMAAN. 5. HiraNyan, due to his enormous penance did not have any defeats nor any possibility of death blows from anyone whatsoever, in any manner that one can imagine. PerumAnE! With Your bent, sharp finger nails You tore his chest. The Strongest shouldered Lord You are- the One who casts cool merciful glances at Prahalada. During Cosmic cycle end, You retained all beings and the worlds in Your stomach. During re-creation, You brought them out and let them grow. You are the antharyaami of dEvAs, humans animals and plants. NONE CAN UNDERSTAND YOU. ONLY “YOU” CAN. 6. Jains (samaNars) do not know You. Buddhists are confused about You without knowing the Truth. Saivites belittle themselves with wrong concept of ParadEvathA. Till date, since they have Not understood, and hence, they have NOT paid their obeisance to and praised Emperumaan – Sriman Narayanan- The Most Fragrant One who does most wonderful things- The One who loves His devotees- The One who has Sri MahALakshmi with Him always (Madhavan). I need not have to tell that they are all (“neesar”) foolish/wrong doers till date. (i.e. They too have a chance in future by understanding the Truth and pray to Narayanan accordingly, by the grace of Sriman Narayanan) 7. NarayaNA! Your grace on me is great! That is there today and will be there in future as well. It will be there always. You- who is the Greatest of the Greats – ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO IS THE REFUGE for adiyEn (me) who is the lowest of the lowest selves. I HAVE SEEN THAT THERE IS NO OTHER SAVIOUR OR PROTECTION FOR ME. And You also will NOT HAVE ANY ONE (LOWER THAN MINE) ELSE TO SAVE. I am Your sEshan (servant). You ARE my SESHI (Master). WE CAN NOT LEAVE EACH OTHER. 8. Oh my dear mind! RAvaNA’s lankA was destroyed completely by Sri Rama who is red Lotus eyed Lord- who took over from ParasurAman the VaishNava dhanus, which won sivan. Other than Sri Raman, there is no support and solace for us, when we are in deep troubles. 9. Brahman himself knew that Emperumaan- the Complete PoorNan- Sriman Narayanan alone is the sEshI (Master) and he (BrahmA), realising that Emperumaan is his master, understood that he is sEshan (servant) of Emperumaan. When Emperumaan took TrivikrmAvatAr, and rose to measure the Universe, BrahmA grabbed that opportunity to wash His Feet from his kamaNdalam (small vessel) using his dharma as water, and recited Purusha sooktham, etc. That washed water from His Feet (the pure holy water – Sri Paadha theertahm ) fell on the head of sivan, (who had swallowed poison and got his name “NeelakaNtan”). 10. When AdhisEshan heard BrahmA and other dEvAs’ praising Emperumaan, he had “pongum parivu” and had apprehensions that they may cast evil glances on his Lord, and hence, he exhaled poisonous fire. Such a love is AdhisEshan’s for Emperumaan who has him as His bed. Do you thing we can not see Emperumaan’s Golden Divine ThirumEni (body)? Yes. We can of course see. But BrahmA and sivan do not realise that do not pay their obeisance to Emperumaan nor they can see. (means: those who realise that He alone is the saviour and refuge like us can see Him; Those who have ahankaara, mamakaaram, can NOT comprehend Him; nor see.) Thirumazhisai AzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam NamO Narayana With Best Regards NarayaNa dAsan madhavakkannan ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at
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