Periya Thirumozhi 9.1- Periya maamEni, aNdam ooduruva nimirdOn PerumAN
From the Bhakti List Archives
Madhavakkannan V • Fri May 26 2000 - 22:40:26 PDT
Sri: Dearest Sisters and Brothers, AzhwArs in ThirukkaNNapuarm pAsurams described his feeling of being blessed with the capacity of singing in His praise thereby proving His eternal stay in AzhwAr’s heart. Emperumaan said, “ You can go to other Divya Desams and sing on Me; only for you, I am there at all Divya Desams.” AzhwAr enjoys here in this ten on ThirukkaNNangudi Divya Desam. 1. This Emperumaan reclines on ThiruvananthAzhwAn – AdhisEshan (who has beautiful striped Divine Body) and has His Yoga nithrA, on the Huge Ocean. He has Divine Charka resplendently in his right Hand. He has the broad, freshly bloomed Beautiful red lotus in His youthful navel. He has the colour of the blue sky. He is My Swami; He is the Emperumaan of ThirukkaNNangudi, where residents perform three types of agni with their strong hands; who are learned in Vedha, inthihasams (epics), the six Veda ang~as, five yaaghams etc.. 2. The elephant, when was trapped by the crocodile in the pond, prayed to the Lord and what He did is: He immediately rushed and aimed His most strongest ChakrA to cut the cruel crocodile into two. This most compassionate, most merciful Emperumaan is here at ThirukkaNNangudi, which is surrounded by tall ramparts. 3. When there was huge praLayam and the whole lot of worlds, mountains, skies were all under trouble, This most helpful (only Lord who always rushes to help and protect the world due to His compassionate nature) Emperumaan took Mathsya avtaar and consumed the waters (of huge praLayam). This Greatest Emperumaan is here having His permanent stay at ThirukkaNNangudi, which is most fertile Divya Desam 4. The most victorious, the strongest mountain like huge roopam- he took as Varaaha roopam and saved the BhUmi PiraaTTi during Adhi varaaha kalpam. Also he served the Pancha paandavas as their chariot driver. This most merciful Emperumaan is here at ThirukkaNNangudi, where the tall buildings touch the moon even. Emperumaan is here at ThirukkaNNangudi, where the tall buildings touch the moon even. 5. During the big yaagam performed by Maha Bhali (who had taken away the kingdoms from Devendran) Emperumaan (at the request of Devendran) appeared as small Brahmin Boy, Vaamanan and begged for three measures of earth with His feet. He took the huge Trivikrama avtaar and measured the Universe in simply two steps. This most Greatest Emperumaan is here at ThirukkaNNangudi, which is a beautiful and fertile Divya Desam. 6. Emperumaan, ferociously killed the 21 generations of kings with His parasu, as Parasu rAman. Such most strongest Emperumaan is here at ThirukkaNNangudi, where bananan trees, betel nut trees, jack fruit trees are all plenty in dense beautiful gardens. 7. Rama piraan – DharmO vigrahavaan- the Personification of virtues- bent His strong Bow which aimed string of arrows that made the strong heads of rAvanan (the chief of lankA, suurounded by dense huge ocean) falling like fruits from the tree. This Greaest Emperumaan is here at ThirukkaNNangudi, where peacocks dance, clouds roar with their thunders; and bees hum drinking honey from the flowers. 8. KaNNapiraan, when H found the false chair placed by DhuryOdhanan in his court for KaNNan to sit when He came in- grew so huge and tall touching the skies and the bottom most worlds; spreading all directions. Such most wonderful Emperumaan is here at ThirukkaNNangudi, which gathers the gemstones and diamonds swept aside by the riverbanks to the green fields. 9. When Bhmi PiraaTTi could not tolerate any more by the ‘adharmic’ rules of DhuryOdhanaadhis, KaNNan drove the chariot of Arjunan in the battlefield of Bharatham. This Accharya bhthan- most wonderful Emperumaan is here at ThirukkaNNangudi, where the bees hum and sing thenna.. 10. Emperumaan who destroyed the ocean-surrounded lankA city like huge fire engulfing the whole place, for the sake of His Divine Consort Janaki PiraaTTi- the Lord of ThirukkaNNangudi- about whom this ten has been sung by Kaliyan the king of Thirumangai. Those who read this ten in Chaste Tamil, will never be poor in being blessed with the Lord’s Lotus Feet ThirumangaiAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam Narayana Narayana adiyEn Narayana dAsan Madhavakkannan ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best friends, most artistic, class clown Find 'em here: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Visit for more information
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