Jeear's visit to USA is taking place!

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Fri May 26 2000 - 17:39:44 PDT

As a follow-up to my posting of yesterday evening, it appears
that despite the VISA complications, HH Sri Tridandi Jeear Swamy
is intending to continue on with at least part of his tour of the
USA and Europe.

>From what I understand, the US Consulate in Chennai has denied
VISAS for the entourage of HH's priests, but has allowed HH and
and one of his chief attendants to continue ahead with their
travels.  They are intending to start their program in Washington
DC, which is reaching the conclusion of a kOti kumkumArchana that
it had started in February.  Two of HH's priests are already here
for this event and will be accompanying him in his travels.
Other cities are yet to be determined, but given the significant
reduction in priests who can serve the Jeear in his travels, it
appears that the tour will have to be shortened.   I will keep
you posted as I learn more.

It is clear that the significant reduction in attending priests
may cause some discomfort to HH during his visit.   Those of you
who have had the opportunity to meet him know that HH is
absolutely dedicated to maintaining strict AchAram in accordance
with sampradAyam whenever and wherever his travels lead him.   It
is only out of his desire to fulfill the requests of his sishyans
that HH is continuing on with this trip.  So, I sincerely request
all of you to make the effort to visit the places that he will be
visiting and serve him to the best of your abilities, so that Sri
Jeear Swamy's visit will be a safe and comfortable for him, his
entourage, and the Perumal that travels with him.

Ramanuja Dasan

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           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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