From the Bhakti List Archives

• Wed May 24 2000 - 17:15:53 PDT

Dear Bhagavatas:
This is the final installment in this Series. SlOkas 51 to 55 which are in 
the nature of concluding statements are presented herein. Hope you enjoyed 
the series and thank you for your patience. I will be much obliged to have 
your feedback and comments. 
Anbil Ramaswamy
Translations by Sri P.N. Krishnaswamy Iyengar
yethAvad varNitha guNO bhakthyA bhaktEna nirguNa:/
PrahlAdam praNatham preetha: yathamanyu: abhAshatha//       51
" Sage  NArada said to Yudhishtra as follows:
Lord Nrisimhamurthi was immensely pleased with the wonderful and humble 
praises of His devotee, Sri PrahlAda who was standing close by with bended 
knees and spoke to him thus."
vatsa! PrahlAda!  Badram thE preethO aham thE asurOththama/
varam vrineeshva abhimatham kAmapoorO asmi aham nruNAm//    52
" Sri BhagavAn said:
"Oh! Child! PrahlAda! All happiness to you! Ask of me any boon. I am 
immensely pleased with you. I am the fulfiller of all the prayers of my 
mAm apraNeetha Aayushman darsanam durlabham hi mE/
drishTvA mAm na punar janthu: thapthum arhathi//                53
"Oh! Long living one!. Long life to you! Oh! PrahlAda! 
If one does not please me, it is impossible for him to have my Darsan. If one 
attains my Darsan, then he shall not be in the least deserving to suffer any 
pain whatsoever. There will be no room for the least sorrow for such a man 
who has had my Darsan"
preeNanthi yEva hi mAm dheerA: sarva bhAvEna sAdhava:/
srEyas kAmA mahAbhAgA: sarvAsAm AasishAm pathim//       54
" All good men (i.e) SAdhus always try to please me by all possible ways. 
They are really men desirous of attaining Moksha. They are really the blessed 
people. They please me,  who is the bestower of all wishes of my devotees"
yEvam pralObhyamAnOpi nvarai: lOka pralObhanai:/
yEkAnthithvAth bhagavathi na ichchathAn asurOthama://           55
" That great one among Asuras (i.e) PrahlAda, even though tempted by the Lord 
Himself with tempting boons which will naturally entice ordinary common 
folks, he did not desire for such boons since all his concentration and 
meditation was upon BhagavAn Himself and no others"

Failed tests, classes skipped, forgotten locker combinations. 
Remember the good 'ol days

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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