Srivaishnavam at Jakarta

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Wed May 24 2000 - 04:40:32 PDT

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namah:

Dear Sri Anbil mama and Sri Mani,

Last month, in April, I was at Jakarta for three weeks, on an offcial trip. 
One Singapore srivaishnava, Sri Madhusoodhanan was also there from his 
company. He had been there many times and had even stayed at JKT for a year 
earlier. Hence he knows lot of people at Jakarta.

He took me on a saturday morning to a local temple where at the
corner was the majestic Sri Srinivasa perumAL. One Bhagawatha (a regular 
office goer like us) by name Sri Anantha krishnan was performing in
a meticulous manner Thirumanjanam with 12 ThirumaN on his Body
and pancha kaccham. His son (11 years) was doing kaimkaryam to father and
was also assisted by another ("iyer") gentle man in his early 20s. We were 
reciting Suprapatham, Thirumanjanam pAsurams, Pancha sookthams, and then 
Vishnu sahasranamam. There were five six families, enjoying the 
Thirumanjanam. Later Madhu told me that there is no archakar and only he 
regularly performs without fail (on every saturday), even if he is just a 
lone performer and none else lands up.

It was earlier started off by Sri Padmanabhan (another great
Srivaishnava) whom I was fortunate to meet the next week at Sri anantha 
krishnan's residence, and he is at Madras now after 17 years of stay at JKT. 
He had done very regularly the same Thirumanjanam for Sri Srinivasan which 
is now being continued by Sri Anantha Krishnan.

So far, great news for me and good anubhavam.

When Madhu and I were invited for dinner at Sri Ananthakrishnan's residence, 
he specfically said there is no buffet system and we all need to sit and 
eat. I was elated at that. There were six of us,all Srivaishnavas. Sri 
Padmanabhan too happened to be there, as
he had come for some official trip. So fortunate were we. We were talking 
generally about Srivaishnavam and when I was casually mentioning about the 
awareness that Internet has created among Srivaishnavas,  about Ramanuja 
sampradayam, immdeiately Sri Ananthakrishnan
said "I have seen Sri Vaishnava Home page" It is very informative page and 
has got all that we have to know. I always read the bhakti

He also added further, "I have visited another site by name saranagathy and 
Swamy desika Darsana Sathsangam. There is one Sri Anbil Ramaswamy. My entire 
outlook changed after I read his articles on Hinduim rediscovered. It is 
very informative and extremely good. Very
beautifully written. In fact, right or wrong, I have compiled
all posts and made a single file printed that and sent to more than 10 
people, because it is so great and nice. Every Hindu should read. It is so 
deep and still easy to understand."

Madhu and I smiled because we know both Mani and Anbil Mama from bhakti 
list. I felt so proud of myself for being associated with such Bahagawathas 
like Mani and Anbil Mama, that I explained to them how great Mani is at such 
a young age, knowing so much, explaining so lucidly, and also how nicely Sri 
Anbil Mama, spreads the Srivaishnavam so greatly in USA. Sri Anantha 
krishnan also mentioned a lot about Sri V Sadagopan's articles.

You may feel modest and humble. Please forgive me. But it is my duty to send 
the word to the public for all the kaimkaryams that you have been doing to 
Srivaishnva community.


Narayana Narayana

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           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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