Re: Small Doubt on DashavatAra.
From the Bhakti List Archives
Anand Karalapakkam • Mon May 22 2000 - 10:33:20 PDT
SrI: SrI Lakshminrusimha ParabrahmaNE namaha SrI Lakshminrusimha divya pAdukA sEvaka SrIvaN SatakOpa- SrI nArAyaNa yateendra mahAdESikAya namaha namO nArAyaNa ! Dear SrI Ramanan, > I have an explanation of Dasavathara.When we deeply note the > incarnation of Lord right from Macha Avathara,you may see the > development of species over the ages: > > 1.Macha-a Living being that could live in water > 2.Kurma-a Living being that can live both on Land and water > 3.Varaha-a living being that is more developed and hunt for its > food > 4.Narasimha-a Living being with half of animal and ahalf of > Man's characters > 5.Vamana-a Human being with the younger stage of life > 6.Parasuma-a Man in forest who has the capability to take care > of his food and shelter(kattuvasi) > 7.Rama- An ideal citizen in a country > 8.Balarama-Man with modernized idea to procure food through > agriculture (self dependant) > 9.Krishna- A man who knows the in and out of administering and > ruling the whole country (Rajathanthri) > > Hope this expalanation can make some sense about Shriman > Narayamna's Dasavatharam. These various avatArams have nothing to do with the development of species. Infact, the chronology of the avatArams are not strictly according to the above listing. VarAha avatAram precedes matsya and Koorma avatAram in time. Also, HayagrIva avatAram is regarded as one of the very early avatArams. Also, there are vyUha manifestations including that of sayanam at milk ocean etc. The ten avatArams enlisted from the infinitely many are arranged in a fashion that incidentally has some resemblance with the hierarchy of species. Though this is a general hierarchy with human beings regarded as the most capable in understanding Sastras and execute either bhakti Or prapatti, the jIvAtmas in the animal species too can perform either bhakti Or prapatti (eg: Jada Bharata as a deer continued the bhakti yOga ; GajEndra continued his bhakti yOga etc as it was continuation of what they had previously in human etc births). So, its not that only human species has all the capabilities to perform devotion to SrIman nArAyaNa. Discussions in the past has occured regarding whether Darwin's Theory of evolution is supported by VEdAntins Or not. Some of the members (SrI Bharat, SrI Venkat Nagarajan ....) have explained as to how Darwin's theory is not supported by VEdAnta. SrI Mani Varadarajan feels that somehow it can be reconciled that Theory of evolution of species is supported by VEdAnta. Please go through the archives for more information and privately contact these members if you want to know more of their view points. adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan, anantapadmanAbhan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GET WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE FREE! GET THE OFFICIAL COMPANION TO TELEVISION'S HOTTEST GAME SHOW PHENOMENON PLUS 5 MORE BOOKS FOR $2. Click for details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Visit for more information
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