Re: Tulasi
From the Bhakti List Archives
Mani Varadarajan • Fri May 19 2000 - 13:40:04 PDT
As Sri Sadagopan has pointed out, there are several slokas that one may recite while picking the tuLasi leaves (leaf is "daLa" or "patram" in Sanskrit). Sri Manavaala Maamunigal recommends we pick fresh, young, tuLasi leaves ("tiruttuzhAy kozhundaigaL") in sets of four ("caturdaLam"). Furthermore, the leaves should be plucked without the use of fingernails or any undue force. The Slokas in vogue in most sampradAyas are three and are as follows. They are given as found in the Ahnika of Sri Gopala Desika, with my loose translation: tuLasy amRta-janmAsi sadA tvam kESava-priyE | kESavArtham lunAmi tvAm, varadA bhava shobhanE || O Tulasi! You are the born(?) of immortality and are the eternal beloved of Kesava. I am plucking you for the His sake; be gracious, O Resplendent Devi! mOkshaikahEtOr dharaNi-prasUtE vishNOH samastasya gurOH priyE tE | ArAdhanArtham kESavasya lunAmi patram tuLasi! kshamasva! || O Daughter of the Earth! You are the beloved of Vishnu, the sole giver of moksha and the guru of all. Forgive me, O Tulasi! I pluck you only for the worship of Kesava. prasIda mama dEvEshi, prasIda harivallabhE | kshIrodamathanOdbhUte, tuLasi tvam prasIda mE || Be gracious to me, O Divine Queen! Be gracious, beloved of Hari! Be gracious, O Tulasi, you who arose from the churning of the milk ocean! TuLasi leaves should only be plucked on certain days, and on those days, only before afternoon (before the "ijyA-kAla" or "sacrifice/worship" period). Almost everyone knows not to pick tuLasi on Fridays, but the orthodox have also observed the following restrictions. TuLasi should not be plucked on Sunday, Tuesday, or Friday, on dvAdaSI, paurNamI, or amAvAsyA, or on a day on which one is observing a SRAddham. From a practical standpoint, this gives the tuLasi plant a degree of rest between pluckings as well. aDiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan, Mani ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 72% off on Name brand Watches! Come and buy today and get free shipping! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Visit for more information
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