Re: Tulasi
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sadagopan • Fri May 19 2000 - 09:52:03 PDT
Dear Sri Sanjay Balaram: The manthrams for picking TuLasI for BhagavadhAradhanam are four in number.Typically two are used. First one has to wash one's feet and hands, perform aachamanam and collect the leaves (TaLam) in a clean vessel or plantain leaf. These two manthrams are: (1) Initial manthram and anjali to TuLasi plant : " yann mUlE sarva theerthAni , yann madhyE SarvadEvathA: yadhagrE sarva vEdAsccha , thvAm namAmyaham " (2) The gruhaNa (picking ) manthram at the time of collecting the TuLasi taLam ( TuLasI taLam : 4 leaves and the stem) are: " Tulasyamrutha janmAsi sadhA thvam kEsava priyE KEsavArtham lunAmi thvaam VaradhA bhava sObhanE " There are two other manthrams that are used in different sampradhAyams. One can stay with the above two. There are times/days to collect TuLasi from the TuLasi plant . SvarNa Pushpa AarAdhanai is the only highest upakaraNam for worship of the Lord compared to TuLasi in AaarAdhanam . PaancharAthra Rakshai and the VaishNava dharamam section of AasvamEdhika parvam of MahA BhAratham deal with the role of TuLasi in BhagavadhArAdhanam. Hope this helps, V.Sadagopan At 09:15 AM 5/19/00 GMT, you wrote: >Can some member give me the releveant information on what mantras & >procedures that need to be followed for growing Tulasi and for collecting >Tulasi for the worship of the supreme Lord. > >Regards >Sanjay > >________________________________________________________________________ >Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at > > >------------------------------------------------------------------------ >Make new friends, find the old at > >------------------------------------------------------------------------ > >-------------------------------------------------------------- > - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - >To Post a message, send it to: >Visit for more information > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remember four years of good friends, bad clothes, explosive chemistry experiments. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Visit for more information
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