introduction of new member
From the Bhakti List Archives
Ranganathan Soundararajan • Fri May 19 2000 - 08:31:01 PDT
Srimate Ramanujaye Namah Shri Seetharamajayam adiyean dasan would like to present my humble namaskaram to all bhaktas at this vaishnavite forum, Adiyean Ranganathan, is grateful for the association with this forum, which adiyean hopes could have been only possible due to the wishes of Srimad Ramanujar and Sriman Narayanan. During the 1994, Lords grace got adiyean associated with Bhagawan Srimad Swami Seetharama Swamigal -Govinda Upasakar- of Sri Srinivasa Niketanam- Chennai, Who is actively in the service of Lord, in renovating the 1500 year old Alarmel Mangai Sametha Sri Prasanna Venkatesha Perumal Temple at ThirumalaiVaiyavoor Hills, varaha shethram, finding mention in Varaha puraana {70 kms from Chennai- near Vedanthangal Bird Sanctury}( the details of this temple would be mailed to bhakthi list in a few days) and involved in daily kainkariams of the Trust. Adiyean is interested to actively help,whatever possible, anyone to bring out books and other literature on Srimad Ramanuja, prabandams, the teachings of Alwars and Vedas. And to get associated in such forum for the benefit of the abovementioned. Address: Office: Sri Nathans SoftCorp #131, Sir Habibullah Road, T-Nagar Chennai 600 017 Pager :9632-701659 Resi: #21, Saraswathi Street, Mahalingapuram Chennai 600 034 Ph:91-44-8203950 adiyean dasan ranganathan ____________________________________________________________________ Get free email and a permanent address at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLICK HERE AND START SAVING ON LONG DISTANCE BILLS TODAY! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Visit for more information
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