Question regarding SrAddham.
From the Bhakti List Archives
Narasimhan Krishnamachari • Fri May 19 2000 - 03:48:15 PDT
In regard to the question regarding SrAddham that SrI SrIkAnt had raised, I wanted to share my experience. SrI Mani is correct that it is difficult to find purohita-s who are trained to condcut the ceremony with the mantra-s pronounced correctly etc. Recently I invited a priest and at the end of the ceremony felt the same way that Mani had described. However, occasionally you find temple priests who happen to be trained properly. There is one such priest in Chicago, but he is a smArtha and not a vaishNava priest. I have been advised that if you can't get a qualified vaishNava purohita, it is okay to use a smArtha purohita, as long as the people who are invited to fulfil the pitR sthAnam are vaishNava-s. For a person living in the bay area, the availability of a priest in the Chicago area is not a convenient solution. -Krishnamachari __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages & get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Long Distance Relationship? Join beMANY! And pay less each month for Long Distance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Visit for more information
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