From the Bhakti List Archives

• Thu May 18 2000 - 09:16:12 PDT

Dear Nandakumar:

As a person associated with temple administration,  I would support the 
views  of Sthalasthar.  One should not yield to money pressure eventhough it 
is practical.  The question becomes - where does one draw the line.  If you 
yield to this request (however genuine) many more such situations will come.

Buffalo, NY

>From: "Nandakumar" 
>Dear Friends:  A controversy has arisen because a donor from Hosur wants to
>gift a golden chariot to Lord Ranganatha at Srirangam for devotees to
>fulfil vows (nerthi-kadan).  The Sthalathar and other eminent people
>associated with the temple and its history are not happy and say the image
>of the Lord cannot be brought out in procession as and when one likes but
>only according to the centuries-old rules laid down by Sri Ramanuja and
>traditions.  The Executive Officer (appointed by the Government) feels that
>  golden chariot processions of the Lord for devotees to fulfil their vows
>would augument the income of the temple.  I would like to have your
>reactions, if any.  Prema Nandakumar
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           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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