Prahlada Stotram - 1 An Introduction

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Wed May 17 2000 - 18:50:51 PDT

Dear Bhagavatas:

On this auspicious Nrisimha Jayanthi day, I would like to present a synopsis 
of "PrahlAda StOtram" appearing in the 7th SkAndam of the 9th Chapter of 
Srimad BhAgavatam. 

This synopsis was written by Late Sri P.N.Krishnaswami Iyengar, reputed 
Advocate of Coimbatore. He wrote the Tamizh and English translations and 
presented it FREE OF COST to Aastikas about 50 years ago. 

The book has been reprinted five times till 1972 and all of them were also 
distributed free. The 5th edition was printed at "The India Printing Works, 
Mylapore, Madras 4 in 1972. This shows not only the greatness of the StOtram 
but also the public support it had received. 

Great AchAryas like Srimad U Ve.Vidwan Panditharaja D.T. Tatacharya Swami, 
Tarka Ratna, NYAya vEdAntakEsari, Desika Darsana RatnAkara, Srimad 
U.Ve.Madurantakam T.E. Veeraraghavacharya Swami, Abhinava Desika Uttamur 
Veeraraghavachariar Swami, M.R. Rajagopalachar Swami, and D. Ramaswamy 
Iyengar Swami have blessed the successive editions with their forewords. This 
goes to show the value of the work being appreciated by the Pundits and laity 
Anbil Ramaswamy
>From the foreword of Sri D.T.Tatachar Swami -
"The StOtra contains 55 SlOkas.
The first 7 are Introductory. They describe how even after killing 
Hiranyakasipu, The Lord looked so ferocious (ugram) that Brahma and other 
Devas were afraid to approach Him and requested Mahalakshmi to pacify the 
Lord. Since she had also never seen such rage before, she could not take bold 
to approach. Brahma then deputed PrahlAda for the purpose..

PrahlAda approached fearlessly and fell at the feet of the Lord whereupon the 
Lord's anger subsided and placing His hand gently on the head of PrahlAda, 
commanded him to ask for any boon he desired.

The next 43 SlOkas represent the StOtram proper. The last 5 SlOkas describe 
how pleased with the devotion of PrahlAda offered to grant any boon he wished 
saying that those who meditated on Him would get all they desired.

The 43 SlOkas contain the essence of Tattva, Hita and Purushartha which form 
the bastion of VisishtAdvaita SiddhAntam."
Says Uttamur Swami.
 "This AvatAram is unique in many respects-" 
· In other AvatArams, the Lord appeared in either animal form or human form. 
It was in this AvatAra, He exhibited Himself in a combination of the two.
· This Avataram was taken solely for the purpose of saving PrahlAda, an Asura 
by birth but a Satvik by nature.
· In all other Avatars, the PurushAkaram of PirATTi was manifest; In this 
AvatAram, He showed that even without this, a true devotee could approach 
Him. That is why Periya PirATTi permitted PrahlAda to approach the Lord. 
Following him, the other celestials approached Nrisimha.
· As this StOtram emerged from one who developed devotion to the Lord right 
from the days he was in his mother's womb, it has special merit as the crown 
piece of all StOtras. If one recites this Stotram even from childhood, 
Nrisimha is sure to bless that one as He did to PrahlAda.
· Though the Lord appeared as a fierce lion to some, He showed Himself as a 
merciful human to PrahlAda and others out of His limitless "Vatsalyam"
 Sri D. Ramaswamy Iyengar observes-
· If PrahlAda is the Premier devotee, the God whom he loved so intensely and 
who came to his rescue at a most critical time is the Premier God. Did not 
NammAzhwAr say ... - "En SingappirAn perumai aaraayum seermaithE"
· Not only was there a Lion-Man combination but there was also a Fury-Love 
demonstration at one and the same time. The selfsame face that struck terror 
into the heart of HiraNya simultaneously showered mercy and ambrosia on young 
· A touch of this Man-Lion (Nara-Simha) gives a strange sweetness to His 
other Avatars too. Rama is "RAghava-Simha". Rukmini Devi addresses her 
Krishna as "KaalE Nrisimha!"
The SlOkas of Prahlada and the translation of the learned author will be 
presented in the subsequent postings.

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           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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