Re: A doubt
From the Bhakti List Archives
Madhavakkannan V • Thu May 18 2000 - 01:06:24 PDT
Srimathe Gopaladesika Mahadesikaya Namah: Dear Sri Govindarajan, In Swamy Desikan's Srimad Rahasyathrayasaram, he covers all your queries. Swamy has not left anything unanswered that can occur to us. That is the greatness of Thoopul PiLLai. Sri Anbil Ramaswamy mama has written in English a beautiful summary of Srimad rahasyathrayasaram and is availabe in Swamy Desikan home page. I have reproduced an extract from there for your reference and answers to your questions. ADHIKARA 13 : KRITA KRITYA ADHIKARA top ( The one who has done what ought to be done) The marks of a person who has performed what he ought to perform viz., Prapatti are explained: In the Post-Prapatti period till death the Prapanna should be free from all anxieties, worries, tensions or doubts regarding the fact of achieving the goal. He should look forward to the event of deliverance as anticipating the arrival of a honored guest since the release from Samsara ( cycle of births and deaths) is a matter for supreme rejoicing. He should, nevertheless, be wary of his promises to do the Nitya and Naimittika karmas pleasurable to the Lord, avoid those that would displease the Lord and maintain the Mahaviswasa and remember his own Karpanya and Aakinchanya during the rest of his life. In short, he will conduct himself as a liberated soul even while living in this world . The repentance on his having committed sins and the atonement therefor are proper before Prapatti; Otherwise, Prapatti would be ineffective. If on the other hand, he languishes over his past karma EVEN AFTER PRAPATTI, it will amount to disbelieving the Lord's assurance to forgive all that. SO, ATONEMENT BEFORE AND HOPE AFTER ARE THE HALLMARKS OF A PERSON WHO HAS DONE PRAPATTI. A self conceited person might feel that his initiative has been lost, but the Prapanna would feel that the initiative was never with him; It was always with the Lord to whom he had surrendered. Neither our will nor our mind nor our intelligence work out things for us. Every action is His; The only actin that can ever be ours is to surrender our will to Him. This surrender, he does not do for us because it has to come out of our free will. All he does is to create the circumstances for us to surrender to Him. If we don't surrender in word, thought and deed, He mercifully lets us go free, but to be tossed about in Samsara and take our own time to come to Him. Once, having surrendered, the Prapanna can rest assured of His protection and has nothing else to do for saving himself. ADHIKARA 15 : UTHARA KRITYA ADHIKARA top (The manner in which one should conduct oneself after Prapatti) This Chapter lays down the duties to be performed by a Prapanna from the time of his doing Prapatti till attaining Moksha on death. (a) A Prapanna should not slacken his attentions to and performance of his Nitya Karmas. (b) He should continue to widen his knowledge by associating with Acharyas and others qualified. (c) Even if he has achieved a mental evolution befitting him to a direct communion with God., he should not feel proud about it since he should be ever aware of his own insignificance (d) He should keep his sense organs under perfect control (e) He should continue to do service to the archa form of the Lord as also Nishkamya Karmas. (f) He should consciously avoid all desire for worldly pleasures and carry on his daily routine with wealth earned through Dharmic means. (g) He should always feel grateful to the grace of the preceptor who initiated him into Prapatti (h) He should always utter the Dvaya mantra as advised by his Guru (i) He should never boast about his own greatness (j) He should scrupulously avoid insulting or disrespecting the Bhagavatas and Acharyas. (j) He should always be eager to perform service to Bhagavan, the Bhagavatas and Acharyas. (k) He should eat only pious foods conducive to augmenting Satva guna. What a Prapanna should do and what he should not may be summarized as follows: (i) Not to indulge in Worldly pleasures and desire therefor (ii) To remember The great help rendered by Acharyas (iii) Not to utter Words of Self-praise (iv) To utter Dvaya Mantra (v) To avoid in mind Disrespect to Bhaghavatas and word and deed Acharyas (v) To perform in mind Service to Bhaghavan, Bhaghavatas word and deed and Acharyas ADHIKARA 18 : APARADHA PARIHARA ADHIKARA top (Atonement for offences) After Prapatti, a Prapanna will not indulge in committing any sins (1) Should he commit any without intention, such sins will not accrue to him (2) Sins knowingly and deliberately committed can be neutralized by atonement -prayaschitta prapatti (not for the purpose of Moksha) (3) Should one indulge in sins deliberately and does not atone, minor punishments will be imposed on him like becoming blind, lame etc., or disobedience by wife, children etc. In such an event also the Prapanna would not be denied Moksha because his papas will be negatived by atonement or suffering punishment as aforesaid. (4) Even major sins except what is stated in (5) below will be excused by the Lord by inflicting a light punishment in exercise of his patience, love and compassion towards the Prapanna. (5) The only heinous and unpardonable sins which will nullify the effects of Prapatti are: (a) Disrespect to Bhagavatas and Acharyas and (b) Adherence to deities other than Bhagavan. (6) Though the means and Phala of Moksha are identical as between a Prapanna and the great Nityas and Muktas like PARASARA,VYASA,SRI NATHAMUNI and others, the Prapanna should not arrogate himself by equating himself with these extraordinary luminaries since they are far superior on account of their birth, character, knowledge, discipline etc which are not comparable to those of the Prapanna. (7) THE PRAPANNA SHOULD NOT DISCRIMINATE ANY ONE AS INFERIOR ON ACCOUNT OF THE LATTER'S CASTE, CREED, SEX OR OTHER DIFFERENCES (8) The Apacharas committed towards Bhagavatas can also be expiated but Only by seeking the forgiveness of the same Bhagavatas (9) A SUBTLE POINT TO NOTE IN THIS CONNECTION IS THAT IF A PRAPANNA PRAYS AT THE TIME OF DOING PRAPATTI FORGIVENESS OF SINS HE MIGHT COMMIT KNOWINGLY OR UNKNOWINGLY IN THE POST-PRAPATTI PERIOD, THE LORD WOULD TAKE CARE TO GUARD HIM AGAINST HIS COMMITTING SUCH SINS ALSO. (10) The Post-Prapatti sins get exculpated thus:- 1/4th by not repeating such sins; 1/4th by feeling repentant; ¼ th by efforts to perform atonement (Prayaschitta) and the balance 1/4th by actually performing the Prayaschitta. Thus, for the Prapanna, there is no consignment to hell or the danger of rebirth under any circumstances. =================== However, if one does not stop committing or attempt to start repenting or does not do any praayacchittham, perhaps, the performance of pratti was NOT COMPLETE AND WAS NOT CARRIED OUT with its angams. Regards Narayana Narayana adiyEn ----Original Message Follows---- From: "T. R. Govindarajan"To: Subject: A doubt Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 03:46:19 -0400 Sri: Srimate Gopaladesika Mahadesikaya namaha Bhagavathas: AdiyEn has a doubt. If a srivaishnava after undergoing Prapatti under a revered acharya, commits both bhagavatha apacharam and acharya apacharam. If prapatti frees this person from rebirth, who gets his apacharams? One cannot go to Vaikuntham with all apacharas or papam. If he cannot be born again (purpose of prapatti), how does he nullify his papams before attaining moksham? How should one lead a life after undergoing prapatti in this material world? dAsan govindarajan. -------------------------- namO NArAyanA ------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaha - Let noble thoughts come to us from every side - Rg Veda Seyya Thamizh mAlaigaL nAm TheLiya Odhi TheLiyAtha MaRai nilangaL TheLikindROmE. En amudhanai kanda kangaL maRRonRinai kAnAvE. namAmi nArAyana pAdha pankajam karOmi nArAyana pujanam sadhA | vadhAmi nArAyana nAma nirmalam smarAmi nArAyana thathvam avyayam || SARVAM SRIKRISHNARPANAMASTHU ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Let us remember those important dates for you! 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