Sri NarasimhAsthottara Nama Stotram.

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Wed May 17 2000 - 10:48:15 PDT

                  Sri Mathe Malola NarasimhAya Namaha

On the auspicious day of Narasimha Jayanti, adiyen has listed a few
NarasimhAsthttara Nama Stotrams.
                          narasimha mahasimha
                        divya simha mahabalah /
                          ugra simha mahadeva
                         stambajas chogralochana

Half man, half lion. Great Lion, Transcendental Lion. Greately Strong.
Terrible Lion. Greatest of Demigods. Born of a pillar. Possessor of
fiery eyes

                       raudra sarva bhuta sriman
                         yoganandas trivikrama
                         harim kolahalas chakri
                          vijayo jaya vardhana

Angry one, the all wonderful who is accompanied by Lakshmi. This
blissful one in yoga. The tallest. Lord Hari, One who roars, The holder
of Sudarshana, Ever Glorious, Always victorious

                        nititlaksha sahasraksho
                       durnirikshayaha pratapanA
                     maha damastra yudhAh prajnasa
                          chandakopi sadashiva

Whose eyes resemble seeds, thousadn eyed one. Who is difficult to see,
Chatiser of enemies, Possessor of great teeth. Eexpert in war. Who is
angry at chanda ( a demon, brother of prachanda ). Always auspicious

                          hiranyaka nisudhana
                        daitya dhanava bhanjana
                        gina bhadro maha bhadro
                        bala bhadraha subhadraka

The killer of hiranyakasipu. The trethener of the dityas and the
dhanavas. One with auspicious qulities. Greatly auspicious. Possessor of
auspicious strength. The very auspicious one.

                        paramtattvam paramdhAma
                          sachidAnanda vigrahA
                       lakshmi narasimha sarvatma
                         dhira prahalAda pAlakaH

The highest ruth, The highest abode. Whose form is sachida - Ananda.
Lakshmi Narasimha, the protector of prahalAda.

NamO Narayana,

Malolan Cadambi.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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