Re: Archa thirunakshatram

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Tue May 16 2000 - 18:32:46 PDT

Dear Sri Chakravarthy:

Lord VaradarAjA had appeared on Hastha 
Nakshathram.BrahmA requested Him to stay as
an archA mUrthy on that  day .That is why 
Hastha Nakshathram is recognized as His asterism.

At the end of the AsvamEdha Yagam performed
by BrahmA , on that Chitthirai Sukla Paksha 
Chathurdasi thithi , on that Sunday morning ,
Lord VaradarAjA appeared under PuNyakOti 
VimAnam out of the Yaaga kuNtam with the effulgence of 
1000 crores of AadithyAs. 

Swami Desikan celebrates the avathAram and the glories
of the Lord of Kaanchi in his prabhandham
known as "Meyviratha Maanmiyam".

Best Wishes,

 At 06:43 PM 5/16/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Dear BhAgavataLs:
>Could somebody explain to me how an archAvatAram (such as Varadaraja
>PerumaL) can have a thirunakshatram?  What does this mean in terms of
>our common notions of a thirunakshatram - to do with birth, origin,
>etc... For instance I can understand fairly well how a Vibhava Avataram
>has thirunakshatram i.e. as per Puranas/Srimad Bhagavatam, the avatara
>occurred at a certain date/time.  But what about archa??
>I'll appreciate any response that can clarify this matter.  Thanks
>very much in advance.
>-Srinath Chakravarty
>Srimate Sri Laksminrisimha Divya Paduka Sevaka
>Srivan Satakopa Sri Narayana Yatindra Mahadesikaya Nama:

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