Archa thirunakshatram

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Tue May 16 2000 - 16:43:45 PDT

Dear BhAgavataLs:

Could somebody explain to me how an archAvatAram (such as Varadaraja
PerumaL) can have a thirunakshatram?  What does this mean in terms of
our common notions of a thirunakshatram - to do with birth, origin,
etc... For instance I can understand fairly well how a Vibhava Avataram
has thirunakshatram i.e. as per Puranas/Srimad Bhagavatam, the avatara
occurred at a certain date/time.  But what about archa??

I'll appreciate any response that can clarify this matter.  Thanks
very much in advance.

-Srinath Chakravarty

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