Sri.Ramanuja jayanthi and Saakshath Swami Thirunakshathiram celebrations
From the Bhakti List Archives
T.R. Govindarajan • Tue May 16 2000 - 07:59:08 PDT
Sri: Srimathe Gopaladesika Mahadesikaya namaha Dear BhAgavathAs: Sri Ramanuja Mission of Srirangam Andavan Periaashramam, Divyam Goshti members and NAMA NJ Chapter celebrated Bhagavath Sri. Ramanuja Jayanthi and Acharya Saakshath Swami Thirunakshathiram at Srinivasar temple, Bridgewater, NJ, on Saturday, May 13, 2000 with Veda Parayanam, Divya Prabanda Parayanam, Gadhya Thraya parayanam, Desika stotram and mini upanyasams. We had Venkatesa Suprapatham at 8.30 AM. The divya prabanda parayanam started at 9 AM. We had 23 people participated in the goshti. Shyam Srinivasan was leading one group and Sri. Kesavan from Maryland leading the second group. The pasurams (Thiruppallandu, Thirupalliyezhuchi, Thiruppavai, Amalanadipiran, KanninuNsiruthampu, Koil Thiruvaimozhi, Iramanusa nooRRandadi and Adaikalapathu) were chanted very slowly so that the recitation was pleasant to the listeners. Sri. Sadagopan joined us from the chanting of Iramanusa nooRRandadi. The Prabandaparayanam chanting ended at 10.40 AM before Srinivasar Thirumanjanam. The priests were waiting for the chanting to finish. Thirumanjanam started with the chanting of Sikshavalli, followed by Narayana upanishad, Narayana Suktam, Sri Suktam, Bhusuktam, Neela Suktam, Neerattam and Purusha suktams by the goshti. During Alangaram, Sri. Nadadur Mathavan of Sri. Ramanuja mission spoke on the celebrations and introduced the speakers, Sri. Sadagopan and Sri. M. G. Prasad. Sri. Sadagopan gave a mini-upanyasam on Ethiraja Vimshati written by Sri. Manavala mamunigal. He was pouring in so much within a short time (about 10 minutes). He ended his mini-upanyasam with Embar's Vazhthu "Karpaga.." on Ethiraja (the song in Acharya Ramanuja CD ROM, when exiting from CD-ROM). For his scholarship the time given for his speech was not enough. Sri. Prasad spoke on Sri. Ramanujar's darshanam focusing on Artha Panchagam with examples which anyone can understand. Both talks were a pleasure to listen. Smt Sasikala Iyengar sang a song on Ethirajar. Sri. K.V. Narayanan of NJ sang the song "Srirangapuravihara" on Lord Sri. Ranganatha. Both songs were very pleasant to hear. Some of members of goshti went inside the sannidhi during sattumurai. The goshti chanted saRRumurai pasurams from Thiruppavai, Thiruvaimozhi, KanninuNsiruthampu, IramanusanooRRandadi and Thiruppallandu. Sri. Narasimhachariar, the priest and sishya of HH Thridandi Sri. Narayana Chinna Jeeyar recited pasurams from Upadesha rathnamalai, Thiruvaimozhi- nooRRandadi before pallandu. The sattumurai ended with sarvadesa dasakale with Srisailesha dayapatram first followed by Ramanuja dayapatram. After the theertha prasadam, the Goshti chanted Sri. Saranagathi Gadhyam and Sri. Ranga Gadhyam, Nyasadasakam and Desika Mangalam as per Srirangam Periashramam sampradayam. The priests told us in the evening that the goshti was very nice to hear. In the evening at 4.30 PM, we had Godha and Sri. Ranganatha Kalyanam performed by Sri. Narasimhachariar. Before the start of Kalyana utsavam, adiyEn explained the significance of having Godha Kalyanam as a part of Sri. Ramanuja Jayanthi celebration with a seer of 100 bowls of butter/akkara vadisil to the crowd. Sugar, Dry fruits (Raisins, Apricot, Dried dates) Fruits (mango, banana, Red/yellow Apples,Green/Red grapes), cashew nuts, almond, and mixed nuts, Paruppu Thengai, Therattipal, Jangiri, laddu, Sakkarai pongal, manamkombu, murukku, Thenkuzhal, VeNpongal, Thayir sadam along with Veshti, silk saree, Ravikkai thuNi, valaiyal, and Thirumangalyam were presented as seer to Godha on behalf of Bhagavath Ramanuja. Varanamayiram was chanted with Ragam and Thengai uruttal followed by recitation of Vedantha Desikar's Godha Stuti. The kalyana utsavam ended with Acharaya Sambhavana kramam and Archanai. The Kalyana prasadam was then distributed to all devotees. vachaka doshaha kshantavyaha Ethirajar Thiruvadikale saranam nArAyanA! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let noble thoughts come to us from every side - Rg veda namAmi nArAyana pAdha pankajam karOmi nArAyana pujanam sadhA | vadhAmi nArAyana nAma nirmalam smarAmi nArAyana thathvam avyayam || Seyya Thamizh mAlaigaL nAm TheLiya Odhi TheLiyAtha MaRai nilangaL TheLikindROmE. En amudhanai kanda kangaL maRRonRinai kAnAvE. NAMO NARAYANAYA SARVAM SRI KRISHNARPANAMASTU ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Accurate impartial advice on everything from laptops to table saws. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Visit for more information
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