Sri Ranganatha PaadhukA Sahasra (RPS)Kaimkaryam
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sadagopan • Mon May 15 2000 - 10:21:00 PDT
Dear Sri Ranganatha BhakthAs : Few days back, we ( Sri MuraLidhar Rangaswamy , Sri Achutharaman and adiyEn) completed the postings on the 7th Paddhathi known as AbhishEka Paddathi . This paddathis deals with Swamy Desikan's splendid vision of the PaadhukA PattAbhishEka MahOthsavam performed by Sage VasishTA and BharathA . With the 210th slOkam of RPS, the AbhishEka paddhathi concluded.We are now at the NiryAthanA Paddhathi ,the 8th Paddhathi , where Bharathan restores the Paadukais to Sri RamachandrA's holy feet on His return to AyOdhyA after the fulfilment of His avathAra Kaaryam , the destruction of RaavaNA and his entourage at LankA. The NiryAthanA Paddhathi(8th) is followed by VaithALikA Paddhathi(9th) , SrunghAra paddhathi (10th) and the SanchAra Paddhathi (11th).There are , you might recall , 32 Paddhathis in RPS to house the 1008 slOkams . We are now at the 217th slOkam level(21.5% level)of completion of the kaimkaryam that we have undertaken. We have some way to go yet.Let me briefly summarize , what we have covered so far : In the first Paddhathi(PrasthAva paddhathi), Swamy Desikan declares his intent to eulogize the PaadhukAs. thru 20 slOkams . Swamy Desikan used 10 slOkams in the second Paadhathi (SamAkhyA Paddhathi)to describe how Swamy NammAzhwAr got the name of SatAri or Paadhukai of the Lord. In the third paddhathi ( PrabhAva Paddhathi), Swami used 70 slOkams to let us know , how the glories of Paadhukais came about and why we are offering our salutations to an "object " worn on the feet of the Lord. In the fourth Paddhathi (SamarpaNa Paddhathi) housing 20 slOkams , the gifting of the Paadhukais by RaamA to His brother, BharathA is described . In the fifth paddathi ( PrathiprasthAna Paddhathi) containing 20 slOkams , Sawmy described the separation of the Paadhukais from the Lord's sacred feet. In the sixth Paddhathi( AdhikAra Prathigruha Paddhathi ), the description of the assumption of duties by the Paadhukais as the designated ruler of the kingdom in place of RaamA is described through 40 slOkams. In the seventh paddhathi ( AbhishEka Paddhathi), thirty slOkams were used by Our AchAryan to describe the splendid PadhukA Coronation festival performed by Sage vasishTA and the paadhukA's representative , BharathAzhwAn. Please enjoy the archives set up by Sri Achutharaman and the slOkma per day section of the home pages: ( Sri Ranganatha Dhivya Mani PaadhukAbhyAm Nama: AdiyEn, V.Sadagopan ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Failed tests, classes skipped, forgotten locker combinations. Remember the good 'ol days ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Visit for more information
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