[saranagathi] Saranagathi Vol.03.004
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sadagopan • Sun May 14 2000 - 06:22:53 PDT
Dear BhakthALs :The index of contents of the most recent issue of Saranagathy journal is enclosed. Please write to either myself or Sri Rengarajan if you wish to receive this journal, if you are not already receiving it. Best wishes, V.Sadagopan ***************************************************************** VOL : 03.004 07.May.2000 In this Issue: 1. Editorial 2. AdhvaithA & VisishtAdhvaithA on "Tat Tvam Asi" - Part 1 - M S Hari 3. The MahA BhArathA - Structure & Story - N.S.Anantha RangAchAr 4. PradhAna Sathakam - Part 15/15 - V. Sadagopan 5. What is in this week? List of festivals and events, this week ****************************************************************** 1. Editorial Dear BhakthAs: We place in your hands the fourth issue of Volume 3, which houses three articles. Sri M.S.Hari's article touches on one of the four MahA VAkyams of the Four vEdhAs, "Tath Thvam asi". This MahA VAkhyam is from ChAndhOgya Upanishid, which belongs to SAma vEdham. It is important for us as Sri VaishNavites to know the interpretation of these MahA VAkyams according to the Bhagavath RAmAnuja darsanam. We are hoping that we will have to opportunity to cover the other three MahA VAkyams in future issues : (1) Praj~nAm BrahmA : AitrEya Upanishad, Rig vEdham (2) aham BrahmAsmi: BrihadhAraNya Upanishad, Sukla Yajur vEdham and TaittirIya Upanishad of KrishNa Yajur vEdham (3) ayamAthma BrahmA : MAndUkya Upanishad, Atharva vEdham. The second article is by Dr.N.S.AnatharangAchAr Swamy on the structure and content of MahA Bharatham. This ithihAsam contains the most sacred Bhagavath GitA and Sri VishNu SahasranAmAm besides many passages on Dharma SAsthram. An IthihAsam like MahA BhAratham is used to explain the intricate Vedic manthrams and hence Its PrAmANyam is Svathasiddham as indicated by the author of YathIndhra Matha DhIpikA:"VedhOpabruhmaNa rUpEthihAsa purANAyOrapi pramANyam svathasiddham" Therefore it is important for us to have an uderstanding of the structure and content of MahA BhAratham. The third article is by adiyEn; with this final posting on PradhAna Sathakam, adiyEn bows at the sacred feet of Swamy Desikan for blessing us with this most important rahasya grantham. The brilliance and clarity of Swamy Desikan is clearly evident here and helps us all to understand what is PradhAnam among various options in terms of conduct as a Prapannan. It is very important for the Editor and Publisher to know how well we are serving your information needs. Hence, please take the time to write to us (sgopan@computer.net, srengara@hotmail.com, saranagathi@egroups.com) on your comments and suggestions. Looking forward to hearing from you, adiyEn, Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan, Editor-in-Chief http://www.srivaishnava.org/sgati/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best friends, most artistic, class clown Find 'em here: http://click.egroups.com/1/4054/4/_/716111/_/958417674/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: bhakti-list@eGroups.com Visit http://www.ramanuja.org/sv/bhakti/ for more information
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