Azhwars and Urdhvapundram
From the Bhakti List Archives
Kasturi Varadarajan • Sat May 13 2000 - 14:27:52 PDT
Dear Balaji, Thanks for your response. I did get two responses in private which I'm appending. -Kasturi ---------------------------------------------------------------------- here are a couple from periyAzhvAr's pAsurams - 1. in senniyOngu - first pAttu - "ennaiyum en udaimaiayum un chakkarap pori oRRik koNdu" 2. in thiruppallANdu - "kOyil poriyaalE oRRuNdu ninRu" The above two generally refers to sanku chakram and thirumaN - though srI P.B.aNNaNgarAchAriAr svAmi uses the former to talk about thirumAN, snaku chakram being put on everything even remotely connected to perumAL (i.e. vessels in our home used for making prasAdam etc..) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- There are references in azhwar pasurams where azhwar talks about Pancha-Samskaram (which also includes 12 UrdhavaPundra Dharanam). Shree VishnuChittha PeriAzhwar in "Tiru Pallandu" says "Teeyil poligindra Chen Cudar Azhi ... Kolil Poriyaale Otrundu Kudi Kudi Aat Seygindrom". The Urdhava Pundra Dharanam is well celebrated in Sruti and Smruthi. The outward appearance of Shree Vaishnavas in very ancient times are as follows: 1. Brahmacharya Asrama: White Veshti (not panchakatcham), Yanjnopavitam, KrishnaJeenam, Samit, Gowpeenam, Munji, 12 UrdhavaPundrams with Sikha (Kudumi) and Shanka Chakra Mudras. (Can use silk, gold and fire) 2. Grahasta Asrama: White Veshti in Panchakatcham, Gowpeenam, Yanjnopavitam, Krishnajeenam, Samit, 12 UrdhavaPundrams, Sikha and Shanka Chakra Mudras.(Can use silk, gold and fire) 3. Vaanaprasta Asrama: Yanjnopavitam, Safron/white Veshti (panchakatcam), Gowpeenam, 12 UrdhavaPundrams, Sikha and Shanka Chakra Mudras with Jata Mudi.(Can use fire) 4. Sanyaasa Asrama:Yanjnopavitam, Cotton Safron Veshti(no panchakatcham), Gowpeenam, 12 UrdhavaPundrams, Sikha and Shanka Chakra Mudras, Tridandam, Kamandalam and a piece of safron cloth.(Cannot use fire). These outward apprearance of Shree Vaishnavas is as ancient as the Vedic Visistaadvaita Shree Vaishnava Philosophy. These dress codes also are Vaidikam. For details, I suggest reading of smruthis, Ahnika grantas. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Save 75% on Products! Find incredible deals on overstocked items with Free shipping! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Visit for more information
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