nAcciyAr tirumozhi XI tAm ugakkum - 3
From the Bhakti List Archives
Kalyani Krishnamachari • Sat May 13 2000 - 04:41:45 PDT
SrI: SrI ANDAL samEta SrI rangamannAr tiruvaDigaLE SaraNam nAcciyAr tirumozhi XI tAm ugakkum pASuram 11.3(eleventh tirumozhi - pAsuram 3 pongOdam SUzhnda) em vaLaiyAl avar iDar tIrvArA? pongu Odam SUzhnda bhuvaniyum viNNulagum angu Adum SOrAmE ALginRa em perumAn SengOl uDaiya tiru arangac celvanAr em kOl vaLaiyAl iDar tIrvar AgAdE A. Meaning from SrImAn SaDagOpan's tamizh treatise: tiru arangattu SelvanAr is the sovereign ruler of this Earth surrounded by the mighty oceans, as well as SrI vaikunTham, and is ruling all of these to the point of perfection and with righteousness. Doesnt He have enough wealth? Did He need to usurp my kOl vaLai (the bangle in my hand) also? I hope that this takes care of His poverty. B. Additional thoughts from SrI PVP: pongu Odam SUzhnda bhuvaniyum: The earth is bounded by the oceans on all four sides. Even though they are pounding the earth with powerful waves on all sides, still they do not exceed the bounds of the earth. Even though this is the rule for even the earth and the oceans, somehow He does not respect any bounds in my case, and freely exceeds them. viNNulagum: paramapadam does not have any bounds like bhUmi does. So He can do whatever He wants there. Even then, He would not cross the bounds there (as He is doing here in the bhUmi which has bounds). angu Adum SOrAmE ALginRa: This Earth and SrIvaikunTham are two aspects of His wealth (ubhaya vibhUti). He takes care of both His vibhUti-s without any let-down. When this earth is destroyed, He protects it in His stomach, and during SRshTi kAlam, He re-establishes it in a sthUla state. He protects His nitya vibhUti in SrIvaikunTham by giving the permanent enjoyment of Himself to the nitya muktAs. emperumAn: He is treating me as a third vibhUti by making sure I am not protected as either part of His lIlA vibhUti or part of His nitya vibhUti; instead, He treats me as His third vibhUti, and uses me to rule over me by giving me only pain and misery. I do not belong either here or there and am suffering in the middle. SenkOl uDaiya tiruvarangac celvanAr: By His mere samkalpam, He makes everyone in SrIvaikunTham follow His Will; As if this is not enough, He came here and lied down in tiru arangam. But it is not the periya perumAL of tiru arangam who is ruling over the leelA vibhUti and the nitya vibhUti; it is His mere SenkOl that is at His command that is taking care of the administration of the ubhaya vibhUti-s. It is not that He is going to get His wealth enriched just by having my vaLai. It is only to torture me that He is doing this. C. Additional thoughts from SrI PBA: ANDAL feels: Even though He is avApta samasta kAman He Who already has whatever He wants, He made it appear that He was deficient in some way, and stole my bangles. So be it! Let His dAridryam be removed by this act of His! D. Additional thoughts from SrI UV: Adum SorAme: Earlier, we saw SrI PVP interpret this as ruling the ubhaya vibhUti-s without any let-down. One of the interpretations given by SrI UV is He is taking care of the bhuvani and paramapadam without ever being tired. SelvanAr: He is Sriyah pati, and is it not a great wonder that He still needs my vaLai for His sustenance? iDar tIrvar: It is a wonder that He who rules over all the worlds and paramapadam needs my bangles to remove His poverty to remove His iDar. It can be argued: emperumAn is the svAmi for these bangles also. He is using them as He wishes. What does it matter where my bangles fall out? It is His tiru uLLam that He makes them fall and He enjoys the situation. He can take them wherever He wants. The ocean with its rising waves is all His. What could we have done if my bangles had fallen out in the ocean? He owns the viNNulagu also; even if He owned only tiru arangam, we could not have retrieved my bangles. He might have given paramapadam to my bangles. Another way to look at this is that the loss of this wealth is one more step in removing ANDALs worldly belongings. If all attachment to worldly belongings is removed, this leads to removal of all obstacles iDar tIrdal. em kOl vaLai: The plural em is used to denote that the bangle is common to both emperumAn and her. The greatness is that He has given her the bangle that is capable of removing even His own poverty. em kOl vaLaiyAl iDar tIrvar AgAdE: In the last pASuram ANDAL made reference to her kazhal vaLai, or the bangle that is meant to be removed easily. Here she is referring to kOl vaLai. SrI UV distinguishes the two by pointing out that kazhal vaLai-s are the ones that are loosely worn and make jingling sounds when coming into contact with each them, and the kOl vaLai-s are the ones that are worn tightly. In ANDALs case, these are also being lost to emperumAn. iDar tIrvar AgAde: This can be taken to mean there is nothing that He is going to achieve by having my bangle, and all that results is that you and I keep worrying about it. Abbreviations: ------------------ PVP= SrI periyavAccAn piLLai PBA= SrI prativAdi bhayankaram aNNangarAcAriyAr UV = SrI uttamUr vIrarAghavAcAriyAr sarvam SrIman nArAyaNAyeti samarpayAmi. adiyEn, kalyANi kRshNamAcAri __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages & get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Get paid for the stuff you know! Get answers for the stuff you dont. And get $10 to spend on the site! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Visit for more information
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