Re: Azhwars and Urdhvapundram

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Fri May 12 2000 - 10:31:34 PDT

Dear Kasturi,

Yesterday I was talking to my father (Krishnan Iyengar of
ThiruvallikEni) about this question and he mentioned this line pAsuram
4.4.7 of thiruvAimozhi -

   neeRusev vEyidak kaaNil
     'nedumaal adiyaar'en ROdum,

Here he said, 'neeRu' is thirumaN and 'sevvE iduthal' is equivalent to
the way 'nedumAl adiyAr' (srivaishnavAs) wear it. Srichurnam, according to 
him, need not be explicitly mentioned, since thiruman and srichurnam are as
inseparable as perumAl and thAyAr.

I guess, this question was posted quite earlier and please enlighten
if you've received any other answers for that.


Kasturi Varadarajan wrote:
> Dear Friends,
>    I am trying to find references in azhwar pasurams where azhwar talks
> about either (1) his/her wearing the tiruman-srichurnam (2) vaishanavas
> around him/her wearing the same. I am curious about the outward appearance
> of vaishnavas in those times.
>    Any info/refs will be very useful.
> -Kasturi
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