Re: [A doubt]
From the Bhakti List Archives
M.S.HARI • Thu May 11 2000 - 18:30:59 PDT
Dear Shree T. R. Govindarajan, A Shree Vaishnavan (who has undergone PanchaSamskaaram) does Praptti and becomes a Prapannan. He MUST NOT commit Bhaagavata Apacharam and Aacharya Apacharam as both these are like poison for Prapannan. The Lord even forgives if a person does Bhagavat Apacharam but surely punishes the person who does Bhaagavata/Aacharya Apacharam. For example, Sisubalan did lot of Bhagavat Apacharam but was given lot of chances. But on the other hand, in Shree Prahlaadan's case, the Lord did not even wait but immediately came out with mercy (in the form of anger) to protect Shree Prahlaadan and kill Hiranya Kasipu as Hiranya Hasipu did Bhaagavata Apacharam. A prapanna should never do all these apacharams as these apacharams spoil the person's nishtai (faith) fetching him the Bhagavat Nigraham. If a person does Bhaagavata Apacharam or Aacharya Apacharam, then we must realise it and feel sorry for it and make it a point not to repeat such apacharams. Then he must go to the concerned Bhaagavata/Aacharya and surrender at his feet and pray for his mercy and request him (really from heart) to forgive him for the mistake done and adopt the Praayachitam. This will purify the person. If not these apacharams will fetch him punishment in severe form as a result of the Lord's anger and makes the person to deviate from the path of Prapathi. You have asked "How should one lead a life after undergoing prapatti in this material world?". For this question, the answer is elaborately given by Shreeman Nigamantha Mahadesikar in his Shreemath Rahasyatraya Saaram. I give an outline of the same (in brief). A Prapanna is the person who practised prapathi with its 5 angas at the Lotus feet of Lakshmi Naaraayanan. He must do all that is liked by the Lord, should not do that which is not liked by the Lord, should have GREAT FAITH in the Lord and only in the Lord that only the Lord protects him and grants Moksha, he must realise that he cannot by himself practise any upaaya(like bhakti) as he does not have power or qualifications for it and always consider the Lord as upaaya and always pray to the Lord as his only Protector with hands folded (Anjali mudra). HE MUST NOT HAVE DEVATAANTRA SAMBANDAM AND SHOULD NOT DO BHAGAVAT- BAAGAVATA-AACHARYA APACHAARAM. He must lead a simple life without having curiosity regarding the future of his materialistic life. He must do PANCHA-KAALA PAARAAYANA which is doing daily his duties as prescribed in Saastra which is in five divisions namely Abigamanam, Upaadaanam, Ijgyaa (Aaraadhanam), Swaadyaayam, Yogam by the order of the Lord and for the satisfaction of the Lord with Saatvika Tyaagam. He must be humble always without ahamkaaram and mamakaarams and always be happy that the Lord will protect him and grant him moksha which is Shree Vaishnava Shree Kainkaryam eternally in Shree Vaikunta Parama Padam. Please write to me if you want to know these in detail. Thanks & Regards M.S.HARI Ramanuja Dasan. ================================================================== "T. R. Govindarajan"wrote: > --------------------------------------------- > Attachment:Â > MIME Type:Â multipart/alternative > --------------------------------------------- Sri: Srimate Gopaladesika Mahadesikaya namaha Bhagavathas: AdiyEn has a doubt. If a srivaishnava after undergoing Prapatti under a revered acharya, commits both bhagavatha apacharam and acharya apacharam. If prapatti frees this person from rebirth, who gets his apacharams? One cannot go to Vaikuntham with all apacharas or papam. If he cannot be born again (purpose of prapatti), how does he nullify his papams before attaining moksham? How should one lead a life after undergoing prapatti in this material world? dAsan govindarajan. -------------------------- namO NArAyanA ------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaha - Let noble thoughts come to us from every side - Rg Veda Seyya Thamizh mAlaigaL nAm TheLiya Odhi TheLiyAtha MaRai nilangaL TheLikindROmE. En amudhanai kanda kangaL maRRonRinai kAnAvE. namAmi nArAyana pAdha pankajam karOmi nArAyana pujanam sadhA | vadhAmi nArAyana nAma nirmalam smarAmi nArAyana thathvam avyayam || SARVAM SRIKRISHNARPANAMASTHU ____________________________________________________________________ Get free email and a permanent address at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Best friends, most artistic, class clown Find 'em here: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Visit for more information
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