Re: A doubt
From the Bhakti List Archives
R. Narasimhan • Fri May 12 2000 - 07:25:41 PDT
dear bhagavathas, the answer to sri govindarajan's doubt lies in sri rAmAnujar's saraNagati gadyam which is the basic fundamental document to be relied upon regarding any doubts on prapatti. in his plea to the lord (which is on behalf of all his sishyas and their sishyas and so on , which includes all of us also), sri rAmAnujar says that please forgive me for all the mistakes i have committed, the mistakes i am commiting and those which i will commit. - past, present and future! therefore, after prapatti also the apachArams go to the AchAryan and through him to his AchAryan and so on until it reaches sri rAmAnujA himself! - that is the greatness of sri rAmAnujA and sri vaishnavism. but, be sure that your prapatti is a true prapatti, the definition of which is given elsewhere. refer to draupati's saraNAgathi. the lord came to her aid only when she lifted both her hands and cried anAtharakshakA etc. if the saraNAgathi is really true, there will be no such doubts in ones mind. a good translation of gadya trayam, with foreward from Sri ahObila matam jeer and highly commended by sri mukkur lakshmi narasimhachariar swamigal isavailable for sale in madhya kailas, 1 sardar patel road, adyar, tharamani post, chennai. adiyen, rAmAnuja dAsan narasimhan --- "T. R. Govindarajan"wrote: > Sri: > Srimate Gopaladesika Mahadesikaya namaha > > > Bhagavathas: > > AdiyEn has a doubt. If a srivaishnava after > undergoing Prapatti under a revered > acharya, commits both bhagavatha apacharam and > acharya apacharam. If prapatti > frees this person from rebirth, who gets his > apacharams? One cannot go to > Vaikuntham > with all apacharas or papam. If he cannot be born > again (purpose of prapatti), > how > does he nullify his papams before attaining moksham? > > How should one lead a life after undergoing prapatti > in this material world? > > dAsan > > govindarajan. > > -------------------------- namO NArAyanA > ------------------------- > > - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaha - > Let noble thoughts come to us from every side - Rg > Veda > > Seyya Thamizh mAlaigaL nAm TheLiya Odhi > TheLiyAtha MaRai nilangaL TheLikindROmE. > > En amudhanai kanda kangaL maRRonRinai kAnAvE. > > namAmi nArAyana pAdha pankajam > karOmi nArAyana pujanam sadhA | > > vadhAmi nArAyana nAma nirmalam > smarAmi nArAyana thathvam avyayam || > > SARVAM SRIKRISHNARPANAMASTHU > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages & get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Make new friends, find the old at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Visit for more information
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