From the Bhakti List Archives

• Thu May 11 2000 - 18:48:03 PDT

>Srimate Gopaladesika Mahadesikaya namaha

>AdiyEn has a doubt. If a srivaishnava after undergoing 
>Prapatti under a revered acharya, commits both bhagavatha 
>apacharam and acharya apacharam. If prapatti frees this person 
>from rebirth, who gets his apacharams? One cannot go to
>Vaikuntham with all apacharas or papam. If he cannot be 
>born again (purpose of prapatti),how does he nullify 
>his papams before attaining moksham?
>How should one lead a life after undergoing prapatti 
in this material world?


Dear Sri Govindarajan:

You are asking a very important question .
Out of his unparalleled dayA ,Swamy Desikan 
has instructed us on these important points.

The answers to your questions are housed
in the following sections of his Sri Sookthis:

1. Chapter 18 ( AparAdha ParihAra AdhikAram )
   of Srimath Rahasya thrya Saaram 

2. PrahdAna sathakam : Topics 83-88 
   ( ApachArams and their parihArams )
   This section deals with Bhagavath/Bhaagavatha/
   AchArya ApachArams and parihArams for them .
   These topics are covered in the Next issue of 
   SaraNAgathy Journal (Volume 3.4) to be released 

Further , EmpAr's ten upadEsams ( Ten Vaarthais)
touches on the subject also.The seventh and the Eighth 
Vaarthais focus on this exact topic. 

The essence of these upadEsams is that the fruits
of Prapatthi is not realized for those , who 
commit Bhaagavatha and AchArya ApachArams and
falling at the very feet of the offended BhaagavathAs 
and the performance of PrAyascchittha prapathti are
two upAyams to wipe out these asahyApachArams.

The 15th chapter of Srimath Rahasya Thraya Saaram 
( Utthara kruthyAdhikAram ) covers the life that 
a prapannan should lead after performing Prapatthi
at the sacred feet of a SadAchAryan.

The most merciful AchAryan is the refuge for us
in such situations, where such an AparAdham has occured.
The SadAchAryan will in all probability direct us
to receive AparAdha KshAmaNam directly from
the Bhaagavathan.

Daasan, V.Sadagopan  


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