Re: [Hamam soap contains Thulasi :-(]
From the Bhakti List Archives
Jagannathan Venkatanathan • Thu May 11 2000 - 07:49:04 PDT
Thanks to Sri M.S. Hari & Sri Raja Krishnaswamy for sharing their views. I thought about it and it seems like Thulasi, thiruman, yagyopaveetham, dharbham, even archa-vigraham-to-be of perumal etc get their sanctity _ONLY AFTER_appropriate abhimantranam/avahanam etc are performed as per vedic/agama shastram. If that is true, I apologise for suggesting Sri vaishanavas to stop using Hamam & other similar "ayurvedic" bathing soaps that contain thulasi. Is it just sentiments if vaishnava-s if they happen to notice such potentially sacred items as above being inapproriately used ? Any thoughts? Thanks, J. Venkatanathan Get your FREE Email at Get your PERSONALIZED START PAGE at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remember four years of good friends, bad clothes, explosive chemistry experiments. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Visit for more information
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