nAcciyAr tirumozhi XI tAm ugakkum 2
From the Bhakti List Archives
Kalyani Krishnamachari • Thu May 11 2000 - 04:40:43 PDT
SrI: SrI ANDAL samEta SrI ra’ngamannAr tiruvaDigaLE SaraNam nAcciyAr tirumozhi XI – tAm ugakkum pASuram 11.2(eleventh tirumozhi - pAsuram 2 ezhil uDaiya ammanaimIr!) en vaLaigaL kazhalginRanavE ezhil uDaiya ammanaimIr! en ara’ngattu in amudar kuzhal azhagar vAi azhagar kaN azhagar koppUzhil ezhu kamalap pUvazhagar emmAnAr ennuDaiya kazhal vaLaiyait tAmum kazhal vaLaiyE AkkinarE A. Meaning from SrImAn SaDagOpan's tamizh treatise: “Oh my beautiful mothers! My emperumAn is lying beautifully in tiru ara’ngam and is the amRtam (insatiable nectar) for me; His beauty is well known - He is known for His dark blue locks of curly hair; He has the most beautiful mouth and eyes (pavaLa vAi kamalc cem kaN); and is exquisitely beautified by the lotus flower that arises from His navel. He has made the bangle which is called a kazhal vaLai (because it can be taken out of the hand), into a kazhalum vaLai (the bangle that is slipping out of the hand) in my case. B. Additional thoughts from SrI PVP: In the last pAsuram, gOdai described to those who were adorned with AbharaNams, her plight of having lost her AbharaNams. In this pAsuram, she is talking to those who are blessed with beauty, about her plight of having lost her beauty. ezhil uDaiya ammanaimIr: Because of their age and position of being elders, godai should not normally discuss her viraha tApam with them. If anything, she should hide her having lost her beauty because of viraha tApam, and instead make it appear to them that she has not lost it. But instead, she is lamenting to them explaining that her beauty has been taken away (just as SrI rAmapirAn lamented about His pangs of separation to lakshmaNan, even though He should have hidden His feelings from His brother, who is also separated from his wife – rAmAyaNam kishkindA kANDam 1-3). en ara’ngattu in amudar: SrI PVP enjoys this by looking at it as “en amudar”, “ara’ngattu amudar”, and “in amudar”. en amudar: He is not just the amRtam that is common like common salt to all the dEvAs and shared alike by them. He is my own amRtam, special to me alone. ara’ngattu amudar: This is not the amudam that is in SrI vaikunTham, far removed from all of us; this is the amRtam that is here, near us, in tiru ara’ngam. in amudar: this is not just the amRtam that gives strength to the body; it is the Ananda amRtam that strengthens the life source itself. kuzhal azhagar, vAi azhagar, kaN azhagar, koppUzhil ezhu kamalap pUvazhagar: The beauty of the meaning of this string of words stands out if we rearrange the sequence as “kaN azhagar, kuzhal azhagar, vAi azhagar, koopUzhil ezhu kamalap pUvazhagar”. First, godai looks at emperumAn’s eyes. Not being able to withstand looking at His eyes directly, (which appear to be piercing her like arrows), gOdai turns her eyes towards His beautiful wavy hair. These beautiful locks of hair naturally lead her to look at His beautiful mouth. Being subdued by the beauty of His mouth, her eyes wander to His triuvADit tAmaraigaL; and on the way, His beautiful navel with the lotus arrests her attention. How come ANDAL is not describing His svarUpa guNa-s, and instead describes the beauty of His tirumeni? Being lovelorn, instead of thinking about His svarUpa guNams, ANDAL falls in love with His tirumEni azhagu now. Just as one is conquered by His beautiful lotus-like eyes - “jitantE puNDarIkAksha namastE visvabHavana, namastEstu hRshIkeSa mahA purusha pUrvaja:” (jitantE 1 - “Oh Sen-tAmaraik kaNNA! You conquered my AtmA; it is not mine; it is yours”), gOdai is here conquered by His beauty even more than His Seshitvam. emmuDaiya kazhal vaLaiyait tAmum kazhal vaLaiyE AkkinarE: “It is not the fault of ara’ngan that my bangles are becoming loose and falling out. I am the one at fault; I chose to wear a kazhal vaLai (the bangle that can be taken out), but He interpreted it to mean that I chose to wear kazhalginRa vaLai (the bangles that are meant to slip out or fall out), and so He has made it come true. So it is not all His fault that my bangles are slipping out. If I had worn a kazhalAda vaLai (a bangle that cannot become loose and fall out), may be it would have stayed in my hand”. C. Additional thoughts from SrI UV: ezhil uDaiya ammaniamIr: godai recognizes that there are so many people who are beautiful all around, like the ammanaimIr around her. Some people are beautiful in some aspects, and others in other aspects. But His beauty is something unique (kuzhal azhagar, vAi azhagar, kaN azhagar, koopUzhil ezhu kamalp pU azhagar), and is not comparable to anything else that is known. In addition to being beautiful in every aspect of His appearance, He is also “in amudar”, and above all He is her nAthan. How can she be separated from Him and still have her bangles stay in place? Note that gOdai used the word “Sa’nkham” in the previous pAsuram with two different meanings, and now she is using the word “kazhal vaLai” here with two different meanings. Abbreviations: ------------------ PVP= SrI periyavAccAn piLLai PBA= SrI prativAdi bhayankaram aNNangarAcAriyAr UV = SrI uttamUr vIrarAghavAcAriyAr sarvam SrIman nArAyaNAyeti samarpayAmi. adiyEn, kalyANi kRshNamAcAri __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages & get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Win $500 at! Click Here: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Visit for more information
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