Re: [Hamam soap contains Thulasi :-(]

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Wed May 10 2000 - 18:37:29 PDT

Dear Shree Jagannathan Venkatanathan,

You have mentioned a soap name (brand) which you say that it has
sacred Tulasi and has asked Shree Vaishnavas to stop using it and
similar soaps with Tulasi in its composition. I would like to say
that there is no harm in using Tulasi for medicinal purpose as
in the Ayurveda Saastra itself, Tulasi is recomended for various
medicinal purposes. Ayurveda is accepted as authority. I accept 
that Tulasi is very sacred. The Tulasi which is collected by
chanting appropriate "mantra" according to the Saastra on
prescribed days as per prescribed rules, should not be misused. 
Only Tulasi collected in the above manner should be used for
Bhagavat Aaradhana. Such Tulasi leafs should not be wrongly used
at all. 

Thanks & Regards
M.S.HARI Raamaanuja Daasan.

"Jagannathan Venkatanathan"  wrote:

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Dear Vaishnavas:

Just for your info:

I happened to watch a Hamam soap commercial on Doordarshan saying Hamama soap
contains the sacred Thulasi which we Vaishanavas know exists solely for
worshipping the Supreme Lord Sriman naaraayana.

Hope vaishnavas would stop using Hamam soap and
other ("ayurvedic") bathings soaps that contain Thulasi.

J. Venkatanathan

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