Sri Ramanuja Jayanthi & Saakshath Swami Thirunakshthram Celebrations
From the Bhakti List Archives
Nadadur • Wed May 10 2000 - 17:49:26 PDT
Sri: Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha Srimathe Nigamantha Mahadesikaya Namaha Srimathe Baghavathe Bhashyakaraya Mahadesikaya Namaha Sriranganatha Divyamani Padukabyam Namaha Dear Bhagavathas: Sri Ramanuja Mission of Srirangam Srimad Andavan Periyashramam and NAMA (NJ Chapter) Invite you along with your family and friends to celebrate SRI RAMANUJA JAYANTHI AND THIRUNAKSHATHRAM OF SAAKSHATH SWAMI ON SATURDAY, May 13, 2000 at Sri Venkateshwara Temple, 780 Old Farm Road, Bridgewater, NJ 08807 Program Details: 08:30 AM: Suprabhatham 09:00 AM: Divya Prabhanda Parayanam (Nithyanusandhanam) 10:30 AM: Thirumanjanam and Alankaram for Sri Venkateshwara (Sponsored by Sri Ramanuja Mission) Recitation of Sri Ramanuja NooRRandhadhi, Sri Ranga Gadhyam by the ghosthi 12:30 PM: Sattrumurai 01:00 PM: Prasadham 04:00 PM: Sri Godha Kalyanam (Sponsored by Sri Ramanuja Mission) Sri Ramanuja considered Sri Andal as a dear sister and fulfilled Her desire by offering 100 vattils of Akkara Vadisal to the Lord on Her behalf, as per Her promise to the Lord for marrying Her. (Hence Goda is praised as "Perumpoodur Maamunikku pinnaanaL (younger) Vazhiye!) This is the significance of performing Goda Kalyanam, which is dear to the heart of Sri Ramanuja, on this auspicious occasion. Thirunakshathram of Saakshath Swami: Sri Vedanta Ramanuja Maha Desikan called as Saakshaath Swami and Srirangam Swami who lived over 300 years ago is one of the foremost acharyas of Munithraya sampradayam. Srirangam Swami was the Acharya of HH Sri Thirukudandai Desikan also known as Sri Gopalarya Mahadesikan (1700-1782 CE) of Srirangam Srimad Andavan Ashramam. Sri Saakshaat Swami's thirunakshatram also falls on Chithirai-Thiruvadirai, which is the day of Sri Ramanuja Jayanthi. Besides Srirangam Andavan, HH Poundarikapuram Andavan, Sri Navalpakkam acharya and Sri Kethandipatti acharya also belong to this Acharya's paramparai. Sri Saakshaath Swami composed a commentary on Thiruvai mozhi of Nammalwar (Part of Nalayira Divyaprabhandham) called ErupathiNalayirapadi (24,000 padi), which is based on the Thiru Araayirapadi (6,000 padi) composed by Thirukurugai Piran Pillan under the guidance of Sri Ramanuja. The ErupathiNalayirapadi (24,000 padi) is widely used in Bhagavath Vishaya kalakshebam by Munithraya Acharyas). FOR FURTHER INFORMATION please contact Sri Shyam Sundar Sreenivasan at or 732-393-9268 (phone). PLEASE COME WITH YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS AND PARTICIPATE IN THE CELEBRATION. Sarvam Sri Krishnarpanamasthu! Nadadur Madhavadasan Sri Ramanuja Mission ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Would you like to save big on your phone bill -- and keep on saving more each month? Join beMANY! Our huge buying group gives you Long Distance rates which fall monthly, plus an extra $60 in FREE calls! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Visit for more information
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