Re: The Foreword for Sri VenakatEsA Home Pages: Part 2
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sadagopan • Wed May 10 2000 - 14:21:28 PDT
Dear BhakthAs : Recently , there was some disucssions on the exact height of ThiruvenakatamudayAn Moolavar in the context of content assembly for the new CD ROM on dhivya dEsams and AzhwAr's sacred collect . One of my friends said that He is a Vaamana mUrthy and is approximately 5 feet tall .Ohter friend said that our Lord is 10 feet tall. I requested some expert opinion from Sri Balaji Narasimhan of Arizona , whose family is doing kaimkaryam for the Lord on Thirumalai. I have appended Sri Narasimhan's response inview of its potential interst to a wider set of audience beyond the four of us. ThiruvenkatamudayAn ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam, Daasan,V.Sadagopan > > II SRI: II >NAMO NARAYANA >SHRI.SADAGOPAN SWAMIN, >dAsasya vign~yAbhanam > >The height of mUlavar at thiruvEngadam is not that really we see after all the sarvAbharaNa bhUshanAs.>During Fridays, before and during thirumanjanam we can see HIS real height. >The mUrthi is around 8-9 feets. > >To give a feel for it, during thirumanjanam the pradhAna bhattar stands on a golden stand that heights our waist. After climbing on that, he will be to the height of kirItam of thiruvEngadamudaiyAn. > >Many have told that he looks like a small kid without thiruvAbharaNams. > >IN A NUT SHELL, THE HEIGHT IS 3/4 TH OF THE HEIGHT WE SEE. >THE LATERAL SPREAD OF ALANKARAMS MAKES HIM 3 TIMES FATTER THAN HIS REAL SALAGRAMA THIRUMENI. > >Every Thursday, during nEthra dharsanam, (thiruman kAppu having been removed and made very thin to see the eyes of perumAl) perumAl offers to us divyadharsanam without kirItam. During night before thiruvArAdhanam,Thomala seva, however HE offers pUlangi sEva with flowers FULL of HIS body.Thursdays are good to see his real height. >Getting tickets for Friday thirumanjanam is tough.( Booked till 2002 atleast from now). >dAsan, >SRINIVASA SARMAN > >*************************************************************** > sriya: kAntAya kalyANa nidhayE nidhayErthinAm > Sri vEnkata nivAsAya srinivAsAya mangaLam. > > II SARVAM SRI SRINIVASA ARPANAM ASTHU II ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Special Offer-Earn 300 Points from for trying @Backup Get automatic protection and access to your important computer files. Install today: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Visit for more information
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