SrI UttamUr SwAmi - An article on his Life and Works
From the Bhakti List Archives
Anand Karalapakkam • Tue May 09 2000 - 07:26:43 PDT
SrI: SrI PadmAvati SamEta SrInivAsa Para BrahmaNE namaha SrImad abhinava dESika UttamUr VAtsya VeerarAghavArya - mahAdESIkAya namaha SrI Lakshminrusimha divya pAdukA sEvaka SrIvaN SatakOpa SrI - nArAyaNa yateendra mahAdESIkAya namaha Dear devotees, namO nArAyaNa. The following is an article by SrI V.T. VEdAnta RAmAnujAchAria, a disciple of SrI UttamUr swAmi. This was published in the souvenir released in commemoration of the SatAbhishEkam (80th thirunakshatram / birthday) of SrI UttamUr swAmi on 10th Feb 1977. This article gives more information on the Life and Works of SrImad "abhinava dESika" UttamUr VeerarAghavAchArya swAmi. OUR ACHARYA ************* SrI U.Ve. abhinava dESika Uttamoor VeerarAghavAchyArya MahAdESika swAmi, our revered AchArya is completing his 80th year of age on 10-2(Feb)-1977, he having born in the month of Thai in 1896-1897 in an orthodox AchArya Purusha family, of NallAn Chakravarthis, in Utthamoor village, near MadhurAntakam in Chingleput District. His birth star is SwAti, the same as that of SrI PeriAzhwAr, besides having been chosen for His avatAra by BhagavAn SrI Lakshmi Nrisimha. His parents worshipped SrI VeerarAghava swAmi deity at Trivellore (thiru-yevvuLUr) before his birth and their prayer was granted by the birth of our AchArya and hence they named him SrI VeerarAghava and our AchArya has also referred to it respectfully in his monumental work "SrI ParamArtha BhUshanam". Even as a boy, our AchArya evinced a keen desire to master Sanskrit and studied under his revered father upto kAvya (Poetry) and nAtaka (Drama) and continued them under His Holiness SrI Paramahamsa ParivrAjaka - AchArya SrI SrInivAsa MahAdESikan (SrI Garudapuram swAmi) in his poorva Ashramam (ie.gruhasta) at MadhurAntakam, and after mastering the same, studied "Tarka SAstra" (Philosophy of NyAya) under the famous SrI U.Ve. Swacchandam SrInivAsAchArya swAmi at MadhurAntakam and attained proficiency in Tarka SAstra. Thence, with the blessings of that guru, who had been appointed as Professor in the Sanskrit College at TiruvaiyAr, he continued his studies in the above said Sanskrit college under the same guru in NyAya and at the same time mImAmsa SAstra also under another great professor and came out first in the Presidency in the SirOmani Examination during the year 1919. In view of his proficiency, he was taken as a research scholar in that college and with the help of the English language learnt in his boyhood under his father while learning Sanskrit, he chose his subject as "Comparison of the Philosophy of East and West" and passed the B.O.L. Examination under credit. It was about that time our AchArya had the oppurtunity of receiving instruction on SrI BhAshya and other essential granthas and Rahasyas in the traditional kAlakshEpam way from the late Paramahamsa ParivrAjaka - AchArya SrI RangarAmAnuja MahAdESikan (SrI KOzhiyAlam swAmi), his AchArya, in the poorvAshramam and also subsequent to his assuming the sannyAsa Ashramam. Our AchArya's regard and esteem for his AchArya is unlimited. Similar is the grace of the said AchArya to his sishya ie. our AchArya, and it is reflected in the Tanian (salutation / laudatory verse) for our AchArya having been given by his guru himself - a rare thing indeed. He had by that time ie. even in the early age given us three works respectively relating to the three systems named "VaisEshika DarSana Vimarsa" (on NyAya-VaiSEshika), "MImAmsa SudhAswAdha" (on pUrva mImAmsa) and "VEdAnta DarSana Vimarsa" each one of which was applauded by learned pandits as of a very high order. ( note : SrI UttamUr SwAmi wrote an outstanding commentry to a very difficult work by UdayanAchArya called NyAya KusumAnjai, while he was a student learning it. More on it in the later postings ) Thus our AchArya, like SrI VEdAnta DESika, mastered the SAstras even before he was 22 years old. In view of the high attainments of our AchArya, he was chosen as the Examiner for Sanskrit in the University Examinations of Mysore, Madras, Andhra and Benaras Hindu Universities. After our AchArya was at TiruvaiyAr for some years, the late SrI U.Ve. Kapisthalam DESikAchArya swAmi of great fame, desired to draw our AchArya to SrI VenkatESwara Oriental College, Tirupati. It happened sometime thereafter that the authorities of that college, having regard to his high attainments, requested our AchArya to join that college at Tirupati as the Head of the Department of NyAya and he accepted the same. He was held in great esteem there and started the MImAmsa SirOmani class also and continued as the Head of both the departments, till he retired about 25 years ago. Panditas more than 100 in number received instruction under him there and have reaped the benifit thereof holding high posts (in teaching SAstras) and they all owe their present position to our swAmi. After retirement, he was requested to settle at Madras by the late 'Sir' S.VaradAchAria, retired judge of the Federal Court, Delhi and by the late SrI V.V. SrInivAsa IyengAr, sometime judge of the High Court of Judicature at Madras and a leading advocate, and by the late Rao Bahadur - G.RangaswAmi IyengAr, retired Commissioner of Police and by SrI V.T. RangaswAmi IyengAr, the then Public Prosecutor of the High Court, Madras and a leading advocate and the President of this SatAbhishEkam Committee, and accordingly he settled down at Madras (ie. Mambalam) and began KAlakshEpam classes, which continue up-to date, where he expounds to the Sishyasin his inimitable way the several VEdAnta works to be studied by all SrI Vaishnavites. In particular, the late SrI K.BhAshyam IyengAr, ex-Law Minister with the Government of Madras was an ardent pupil who studied intensively under our AchArya during his lefetime. Thus, our AchArya is doing yeomen service to the Vaishnava Community upto date by expounding to them the principles of SrI VaishNava sampradAya and by himself following in word and spirit, the said principles. From his early age, he was able to expound clearly what he studied. We find him to have written a commentry on "NyAya KusumAnjali" (*) which was of such a high order that it won the approbation of the late SrI U.Ve. Asoori - RAmAnujAchjAria swAmi of SrIperumpUdUr, a learned pandit of the Thenkalai Sect and also principal of the Sanskrit college there, who on pursuing the commentry, praised it stating that there is a spark of divinity (daivIka amSam) in the young author. He produced another commentry of a very high order at that early age itself on "Siddhi Trayam" (of SrI YAmunAchArya), which he submitted to his AchArya SrI KOzhiyAlam swAmi as his (UttamUr swAmi's) samarpanam on his (KOzhiyAlam swAmi's) 61st birthday as a mark of respect (and gratitude). (*) : NyAya KusumAnjali is a masterpiece by one of the all time greats of NyAya SAstra named "UdayanAchArya". In this work, he wonderfully argues in various ways to establish the presence of God, with great logical acumen and systematically refutes various schools of thought like ChAravAka etc who uphold the absence of God. In SrImad Rahasya Traya SAram, SwAmi DESikan refers to SrI KidAmbi AcchAn as "Udayana of VEdAnta" ie. SrI KidAmbi AcchAn's proficiency in VEdAnta (including logical skills etc) is like what Udayana's proficiency in NyAya. All these indicated the future great works to be published, more than one hundred in number, by our AchArya in due course. To refer to a few of them only, we may take his "BhAshyArtha Darpana", a commentry on SrI BhAshyam, which enables even the average student to understand SrI BhAshya and the basic principle enshrined therein. Similar is the lucid commentry on SrI VEdAnta DESika's "TAtparya Chandrika",a commentry on SrI Bhagavad RAmAnuja's GIta BhAshya. So also is the "GeethArtham" a commentry in Tamil of SrImad Bhagavad GIta, which besides giving a word for word translation of the slokas of Gita gives the purport thereof as per "GIta BhAshya" and "TAtparya Chandrika". His tippani for the BhAshya of SrImad Upanishad BhAshyakAra swAmi (SrI RangarAmAnuja Muni) to the Ten (principal) Upanishads and connected small Upanishads is very lucid and illuminating, and the comparitive study therein of the interpretations of other (philosophical) systems is inimitable. A simple tamil summary of the Upanishads is also given. He has also given us in Tamil a book "Upanishad SAram" where we find summary of some more Upanishads. His work "ISAvAsyOpanishad AchArya BhAshya TAtparya" and his commentry on Stotra Ratna BhAshya of SrI VEdAnta DESika are of equally high order and have been greatly appreciated by the late His Holiness SrI InjimEttu Azhagiyasingar swAmi (42nd HH Jeeyar of SrI Ahobila Muth) and by SrI "MahAmahOpAdyAya" Kapisthalam (DESikAchArya) swAmi and others. Similar are the various commentries of the SrI SooktIs of PoorvAchAryas. All his tippanis have an introduction which is a treatise by itself and contains crisply as to what the work deals with, and is well worth considering whether these themselves can be had all in one volume, and that one book will be suffice to indicate the glory of our ViSishtAdvaita philosophy. His work "ParamArtha - BhUshanam" is a magnificent and monumental one establishing the greatness of our ViSishtAdvaita Philosophy, answering all criticisms against it and is a permanent authority for our sampradAyam, silencing all attacks against the authority of SrI VEdAnta DESika's "Sata Dooshani". Our AchArya is equally proficient in Tamil, a rare quality among persons learned in Sanskrit. He has given us lucid commentries under the caption "Prabandha Raksha" on the "NAlAyira Divya Prabandhams" of AzhwArs. The same contains the meaning in Tamil word for word of each pAsuram and also the purport. The commentry is superb and all pandits who give discourses on TiruppAvai in the month of mArgazhi derive inspiration therefrom. It is also learnt that SrI N.KrishnaswAmi Reddiar, retired Judge of the High Court of Judicature at Madras relied mostly on the same while explaining the purport of each pAsuram of tiruppAvai through the All India Radio every morning last mArgazhi month. The commentry on TiruvAimozhi is equally superb as it seeks to bring out the essentials contained in the commentries of Thiruk-kurugai PirAn PiLLAn in SrI Tiru 6000 padi and of SrI VEdAnta DESika in his TAtparya RatnAvaLi, as also how SrI NampiLLai has dealt with it in his "Yeedu". The commentry takes into account also all existing commentries on TiruvAimozhi and explains the same fully. The introduction to the commentry on TiruvAimozhi is by itself a literature, of a very high order and greatly instructive. Our AchArya has great faith in the "PanchakAla Prakriya" which has to be followed by all aastikas and he always follows it strictly from 4:30 AM to night time daily ie. Abhigamana, UpAdAna, Ijya, SwaadhyAya, and YOga. After "abhigamana aarAdhana", he spends the "UpAdAna kAla" in imparting knowledge in the traditional kAlakshEpam way, in his classes to his Sishyas. This was commenced 25 years ago at Mambalam where he settled after retirement as stated above and the classes still continue despite his physical condition. The exposition then is so unique that he would make even the ignorant Sishya understand the essence of the subject. His Soulabhyam is so great that he would take in any Sishya to his classes provided he is sincere and eager to study, a peculiar characteristic unlike others. Thus our AchArya has imparted instructions to most of his Sishyas in the traditional kAlakshEpam way on "Grantha Chatushtaya" ie. SrI BhAshya, SrI GIta BhAshya, SrImad Rahasya Traya SAram and SrI Bhagavad Vishayam, each having been repeated several times, and also "Upanishads", "Chillarai Rahasyas" etc. He spends the spare time to produce VEdAntic works, and one would be surprised to find him always busy, even correcting proofs by himself. Our AchArya is thus leading the life of an ideal AchArya, by himself following the AchArya in word and spirit, and by producing VEdAntic works for the benifit of the people and by expounding the doctrines enshrined therein to others. Our AchArya continues the guruparampara. All sishyas receive "Pancha SamskAram" from him, ie. "SamASrayanam" and our AchArya instructs them on the "Three Rahasyas" which naturally creates in them a desire to perform SaraNAgati to SrI Bhagavan, and our AchArya does the same for them and redeems their souls - "SaraNAgati" being the only means now possible for all. Such Sishyas are ever flowing and our AchArya helps them unflinchingly in redeeming their souls. He thus resembles in all respects SrI VEdAnta DESika and hence the title of "abhinava dESika" was conferred on him up elders. The same is confirmed in the Tanian of our AchArya which as indicated above was given by his AchArya himself - a rare and unique honour. Our National Government has also recognized his merit. The earliest and first award of the President of India was conferred on him in person at Delhi in the year 1959 by the president "Dr.Rajendra Prasad", who was himself a Sanskrit scholar. Our AchArya offered worship at Badrinath at that time and has already offered worship in other North Indian shrines as at Pushkaram previously. Our AChArya's mastery of parallel systems of philosophy and his exposition thereof has won the appreciation of the followers of those faiths also. We pray to God Almighty to give our AchArya the full span of life of 121 years, sound health and strength so that he can continue to be useful to our community and complete the remaining works of SwAmi VEdAnta DESika he has in mind, and secure for us all the benifits of "SaraNAgati". We cannot adequately express our gratitude to him for the available help he has rendered to the community at large and to his Sishyas and disciples in particular and it is only in the fitness of things that the entire community through the SatAbhishEkam Committee avail themselves of this oppurtunity of expressing their deep debt of gratitude and grateful thanks to him in a proper and befitting manner on this important occasion. ------------------------------------------------- Hope that you enjoyed reading about the legendry UttamUr SwAmi. Its adiyEn's humble request to you all, to kindly go through these postings till you get a good amount of memory retension atleast on key points. It will then be very useful and will make the future articles very interesting while reading. Thanks. adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan, anantapadmanAbhan. krishNArpaNam. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You have a voice mail message waiting for you at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Visit for more information
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