RE: AchArya RaamAnuja Jayanthi 2000 SamarpaNams
From the Bhakti List Archives
Krishna Kalale • Mon May 08 2000 - 22:21:50 PDT
Sri Sadagopan writes: to learn the recitations of the Dhivya prabhandhams of AzhwArs in the traditonal manner of santhai. adiyEn is interested to help with this project . The plans are to approach these clases two ways: (1) an hour or two at Sri RanganAthA sannidhi at Pomona , NY on Ranga GhOshti days every month. An excellent teacher trained in the traditional manner has kindly volunteered to pass on this rich tradition to us (2) A weekly sessions for an hour or thereabout to teach using the power of Internet tools and technologies to rach BhakthAs all over the country. It has been suggested weekday evenings are better than weekend time slots for this instruction in an asynchronous manner . ****** It is my pleasure to see this on the net. Thanks to all of you who are working on this superb task. First thing we need to do is get education. Learn the granthams and santhai practice. I would like to live in the world where all acharyas and granthams and classes come to everyone in this world to their desktops!! THe Rigvedic Hymn - " Aa no bhadraha kratavo yanthu vishvataha" which means " Let noble thoughts come to us from all directions " is true and Internet is going to make it happen very soon. I know there is no substitute to learn under the feet of a Guru. If one cannot do it, "distance learning" has to be put into practice. I really want everyone to make this happen. Daily we should have some classes. I know that internet technology is so powerful and it can inundate people with things. I would rather have that happen ie. have 20 channels of religions information come to us simultaneously so that in between our worldly engagements and entertainments, noble thoughts will have a chance to enter our thirsty minds. Thanks, sri Sadagopan, adiyen Krishna Kalale ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Get your money connected @ - the first Web site that lets you see and manage all of your finances all in one place. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Visit for more information
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