SrI UttamUr SwAmi : A Legend in His Lifetime
From the Bhakti List Archives
Anand Karalapakkam • Mon May 08 2000 - 08:50:25 PDT
SrI: SrI PadmAvati samEtha SrInivAsa ParabrahmaNE namaha SrImad abhinava dESIka UttamUr VAtsya VeerarAghavArya - mahAdESikAya namaha SrI Lakshminrusimha divya pAdukA sEvaka SrIvaN SatakOpa SrI - nArAyaNa yateendra mahAdESIkAya namaha Dear devotees, namO nArAyaNa. First of all, adiyEn would like to convey my sincere thanks to all the devotees who have kindly come forward to support this very important project of republishing the invaluable works of SrI UttamUr swAmi. adiyEn requests those who have missed the earlier appeals, to kindly gothrough the archives starting from later half of March, 2000. In the forthcoming days, adiyEn will post some very interesting articles on the Life and Works of SrI UttamUr swAmi. Please don't miss it and you will certainly enjoy those articles written by eminent scholars and devotees. Its highly inspiring. Kindly take time to relish the forthcoming series of postings. There can't be a better auspicious day to start the series of postings than the most auspicious day of thirunakshatram (birth- star/birthday) of our most beloved Bhagavad RAmAnuja. Following is the edited version of an article that appeared in the daily "The Hindu" on 17th Jan 1997, on the eve of the centenary celebrations of SrI UttamUr SwAmi. This is a very short article to just give a feel about SrI UttamUr SwAmi. More in the future .... UTTAMUR SWAMI : A LEGEND IN HIS LIFETIME : ********************************************** Among the contemporary scholars of the ViSishtAdvaita tradition, SrI UttamUr VeerarAghavArya MahAdESIkA Or UttamUr SwAmi as popularly known, achieved the unique distinction of being hailed as "abhinava dESIka" and undoubtedly earned the respect and gratitude of both the scholars and layman alike, for the signal service he has rendered in the cause of SrI-VaishNava religion and ViSishtAdvaita Philosophy. He became a legend in his lifetime (1896 - 1983) a name to reckon with, both in the religious and academic spheres, which earned him laurels not only from the religious heads of the various SrI VaishNava Muths, but also from the AchAryAs of other traditions including SrI ChandrasEkharEndra Saraswati of Kanchi Muth (who followed the philosophy of advaita). This attests to his profound scholarship in the various philosophical traditions, proficiency in sanskrit and other languages, and polemical skills which he applied with great elegance in his original writings and also to publish the works of the AchAryAs and the literature of the Ubhaya-vEdAnta tradition, which alltogether number more than 160 - a stupendous feat for an individual. Hailing from UttamanallUr, a village near MadhurAntakam in chingleput district of Tamilnadu, the swAmi belonged to the nallAn chakravarthi lineage. He mastered the tarka SAstra, vyAkarana, pUrva and Uttara mImAmsa with remarkable ease and the turning point in his carrier was his training in the Ubhaya-vEdAnta under the guidance of SrI RangarAmAnuja MahAdESIkan, popularly known as SrI KOzhiyAlam swAmi, which made him blossom into a full fledged AchArya. He travelled during the course of his career which took him as far as Pushkar (RAjasthAn) until he retired from SrI VEnkatESwara Oriental College, Tirupati. He started writing right from the beginning of his career and after retirement, he took upon himself the dissemination of Ubhaya-vEdAnta through KAlakshEbams, UpanyAsams and Publications. The establishment of Ubhaya-VEdAnta- GranthamAlA in Chennai was a landmark in his publishing efforts. It must be said to UttamUr SwAmi's credit that his works have received unqualified praise from all quarters. His magnum opus "ParamArtha BhUshanam" was prescribed as the textbook of advanced study in VEdAnta by Beijing University. SwAmi was the first recipient of the President of India's Award for proficiency and contribution to Sankrit, in 1960. Some of the titles that were conferred on him are TarkArnava, Pandita Ratna, Pandita MArtAnda, Pandita BhooshaNa, PoorvOttara MImAmsa Pradeepa and Ubhaya mImAmsa vallabha. The title "abhinava dESIka" (newer VEdAnta dESika) was conferred upon him on his Sashtiabdapoorti (60th birthday) in 1957 and also "Ubhaya VEdAnta Vijaya Dwaja" and "SarvAtma RakshAmaNi" on his SatAbhishEkam day (80th birthday) in 1977. Poised as he was in tradition both by precept and practise, he was the natural successor to SrI KOzhiyAlam swAmi in the Munitraya AchArya parampara. It is significant to note that he remained in GruhastAshrama (as per the instructions of his AchArya, in order to mainly carry out the books publication work). Such was the respect he commanded from his contemporaries. As the oft quoted saying, lives of great men must make ours sublime, that of one who has lived amongst our midst not so very long ago must indeed inspire us to tread the path he had blazed. One way to do so would be to show our gratitude and compensate atleast in a small measure for what such AchAryas have bequeathed to us by remembering them atleast during their thirunakshatrams (and supporting the republication of their works etc). ---------------------------------------- adiyEn humbly requests other devotees also to join this series of postings, by offering comments etc on these articles and share their feelings regarding SrI UttamUr SwAmi and his works, and the importance of this reprinting project. It would be great if the devotees can also post their independent articles about SrI UttamUr swAmi and their personal experience upon reading his works. Thanks a lot in advance. adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan, anantapadmanAbhan. krishNArpaNam. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You have a voice mail message waiting for you at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Visit for more information
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