Re: Brahma SUtras on Brahman as being different its form

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Mon May 01 2000 - 13:20:21 PDT

Dear BhAgawatas,

I found this statement in SrImAn Srinath
Chakravarthy's mail relating to the topic "Brahman and
its forms":

> the corresponding questions addressed to Srimad
> Azhagiyasingar after
> HH Jeer's most recent telephone upanyasam.

I get the impression that some questions on exactly
this topic of the Lord and His thirumEni were asked to
SrImad Azhagiyasingar *after* the most recent
tele-upanyAsam concluded.  Could someone be so kind as
to post the questions and the answers that HH

thanks in advance.
-aDiyEn, muraLi kaDAmbi

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