Saranagathi Vol.03.003
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sadagopan • Sun Apr 30 2000 - 18:38:37 PDT
Dear BhakthAs: It is our pleasure to let you know that we have released the third issue of SaraNAgathi Journal today. The contents are listed below. The " What is in this week " is a feature that we are adding to bring to your attention the particular events of interest to Sri VaishNavA community in terms of uthsavams and Thirunakshathrams. V.Sadagopan & S.Rengarajan Ediror & Publisher/Co-Editor >***************************************************************** >VOL : 03.003 29. April 2000 >In this Issue: >1. Editorial >2. An Outline of PramEyA in VisistAdhvaitA -Sri M S Hari >3. The vEdhic tradition of Revelation - Sri N.S. Anantha RangAchAr >4. PradhAna Sathakam - Part 14 - Sri V. Sadagopan >5. What is in this week? List of festivals and events, this week >****************************************************************** **************************************** >5. What is in this week? > >April 30 - ekAdasi vrtham, SriAhobilamuth 32nd Jeer thirunakshatram >May 2 - thiruth thEr in Srirangam >May 3 - Agni nakshatra pravEsam, sapthAvarana sARRumuRai in Sri > rangam, Sri Vaduga nambi thiru nakshatram, Srimushnam Sri > VarAha jayanthi >May 4 - AmAvAsyai, "ALum pallakku" in Srirangam, Sriperumputhur > udayavar koorEsa vijayam >May 5 - Chandra Darsanam in Srirangam, Uyyak koNdAr thiru nakshatram >May 6 - Akshaya thrithiyai, Sri Balarama Jayanthi, Sri RAmAnuja > jayanthi celebrations in Pomona, Newyork, engaL AzhwAn thiru > nakshatram, Sriperumputhur Udayavar thiru manthrArttham >May 7 - Sri RAmAnuja jayanthi celebrations in Pomona, Newyork, Sri > perum puthir thiru thEr >May 8 - Sri RAmAnuja Jayanthi, sOmyAji AndAn thiru nakshatthiram, > Sri perum puthur sARRu muRai ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *--- FREE VOICEMAIL FOR YOUR HOME PHONE! ---* With eVoice Now you can keep in touch with clients, vendors, co-workers, friends and family ANYTIME, ANYWHERE. Sign Up Today for your FREE! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Visit for more information
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