Webpage on Divya Desams

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Sat Apr 29 2000 - 11:23:46 PDT

                SriMathe Ramanujaya Namaha:
Dear SriVaishnavas,

First of all, Adiyen's Pranams to all of you.As every other 
SriVaishnavite,I have just started a kainkaryam.I am planning to
build a website called www.divyadesam.org.I just now registered 
the domain.I need your help by sending me any details about DDs
you know and also the photos,if you have of Uchava moorthies.
You can send the photo to this email ID if you can scan them.
I would really be Greatful to get advice regarding this project 
from very respected People like you. Since I am a student, I 
would like to utilize the resources available in my lab to the 
fullest potential to build this site.

Thanks and Regards,

Ramanan Ramanuja Dasan 

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