Information on SarpadOsha NivArana PujA.

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Sat Apr 29 2000 - 01:49:36 PDT

                  Sri Mathe Malola NarasimhAya Namaha.

Dear Bhaktas,

Recently my family had visited the Josier ( Family  Astrologer). The
josier said that my father and I had to perform SarpadOsha NivArana
Puja. For this i will have to go to a temple called Sri Kalahasti ( A
Saivite Temple), 38 km ( 25.5 miles) from Tirupathi.

How come i have to perform a puja of this sort included i the saivite
tradition? Is this puja supported by the Sri Vaishnava Tradition?

NamO NarayanA,

Malolan Cadambi

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