The "final " agenda for the Bhaktha SammELanam at Pittsburgh: Sri VenkatEswarA saluted by Upaya VedAntham and GhAndharva Vedam

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Mon Mar 16 1998 - 14:59:53 PST

Sri VenkatEswara MahimA : Tributes by AzhwArs,
AchAryAs and NaadhOpAsakAs 

Agenda for the First day : May 23 , 1998
( 9.30 AM to 5.30 Pm )

Morning Sessions :9.30 AM Start 
Session 1.A ( 9.30 -11.00 AM )
1. Recitations from four vedams ( 15 minutes)
2. Divya Prabhandham verses of AzhwArs ( 15 minutes )
   on Sri VenaktEswarA 
3. Sri VenkatEsa Gadhyam Recitation ( 15 minutes )
4. Sri VenkatEsAnubhavam by AzhwArs , AchAryAs 
   and NadhOpAsakAs : An Overview --Dr. V.Sadagopan 
   :45 minutes

Break : 11.00-11.15 AM  

Session 1.B ( 11.15 - 12.30 PM )

5. Sri VedAntha Desikan's DayA Sathakam-- 
   Professor T. VenkatacharyA ( 45 minutes )
6. Sri ANNamAcharya Sangeerthanamulu 
   and His Bhakthi : Lecture Demonstration /
   Musical Rendering ( Artist to be announced )

12.30-- 2.00 PM : Lunch
Session 1.C

7. AzhwAr's lives : Dr. Vijayaraghavan
   Srinivasan(45 Minutes ) 
8. First Triad of AzhwArs, ThiruPPANar 
   and Thirumazhishai AzhwAr's anubhavam 
   of Sri VenkatesA --Sri S.Rengarajan ( 45 Minutes )

Break : 3.30-3.45 PM
Session 1.D (3.45 -5.30 PM )

9. PeriyAzhwAr and ANDAL's anubhavam of 
   the Lord of Seven Hills -- Supreme Court
   Justice Hon.M.Srinivasan (45 Minutes )
10.Kulasekhara AzhwAr's tribute to 
   Sri VenkatEsa , Uthsavams and AarAdahnam
   at Thirpathi --Dr. M.Rangaswami (45 Minutes )
11.Rendering of Saint ThyagarAjA's krithis 
   on Sri VenkatEsA ( Artist to be confirmed )
   :15 minutes.

5.30 PM :Adjourn for the day 

Second Day : 9.30 AM --5.30 PM
Session 2.A (9.30 -11.30 AM )

12. Pancha Sooktham-- GhOshti ( 20 Minutes )
13. Divya Prabhandham recitation -GhOshti (10 Minutes )
14. Dayaa Sathakam of Sri VedAntha Desikan --
    Professor Vachaspathi  T. Venkatachari (45 Minutes )
15. Bhakthi and saraNAgathi in Sri VaishNavite 
    Tradition--Sri Kannan Swami (45 Minutes )

11.30 to 11.45 AM : Break

16. NammAzhwAr's SaraNAgathi to Sri Thiruvenkatanathan-
    Dr. Nadadur Madhavan (45 minutes )

Break :12.30-2.00 PM 
Session 2.B ( 2.00-5.30 PM )
17 . Thirumangai AzhwAr's tributes to
     Sri VenkatAchalapathy -Sri T.A. Varadan 
     (45 Minutes )
18.  Purandara DaasA and Kanaka Daasa"s SaraNAgathi
     to the Lord of Saptha Giri -Professor M.G. Prasad 

Break 3.30 PM ( 15 Minutes )

19. DakshiNa Thiruppathis : ThiruviNNagar 
    and ThiruveLLakkuLam -(Speaker
    To Be confirmed ):45 minutes 
20. Sri MutthuswAMI Deekshithar's and 
    Sri PapanAsam Sivan's musical tributes 
    to Sri SeshAchala Naayakan ( Artist to be 
    confirmed ) : 30 Minutes
21. Veda GhOsham : Ganam( 15 minutes )
22. Concluding Remarks and Honoring of
     the Speakers : Dr.Narender Reddy , 
     Sri VenkatEswarA devasthAnam 

5.15 PM : Adjourn 


P.S : It is my pleasure as Conference Chairman to
invite you all to participate in this Bhaktha SammELanam
and receive the blessings of Sri VenkatEswarA 
of Pitsburgh Tem[ple during His VasanthOthsavam .
Inview of the holiday season ( Memorial Day weekend ) ,
you may wish to confirm your travel plans and 
Lodging arrangements at your earliest convenience .
Please direct any questions that you may have 
regarding Logistics to me for further reference
to the appropriate temple authorities .The SV
temple Web pages will have an announcement about
this conference in two or three weeks .