manobodhaH - 17
From the Bhakti List Archives
Shree • Sun Mar 15 1998 - 20:57:02 PST
%shloka ## jano muuDhabhaavena shochatyapaartha.n kshaNenaiva bhaavyaM bhavatyeva nityam.h | bhavet.h karmaNaa svena putraadiyogo vR^ithaa khidyate tadviyoge.alpabuddhiH || 17|| ## %verse ## manii.n maanavii vyartha chi.ntaa vahaate.n . akasmaata hoNaara ho{U}na jaate.n .. ghaDe bhogaNe sarvahii karmayoge.n . matiima.nda te.n kheda maanii viyoge.n .. 17.. ## %meaning ##manii.n ## = in the mind; ##maanavii ## = human being; ##vyartha ## = unnecessary; ##chi.ntaa ## = worry; ##vahaate ## = carries. ##akasmaata ## = suddenly; ##hoNaara ## = bound to happen; ##ho{U}na ## = happens; ##jaate.n ## = goes. ##ghaDe ## = happens; ##bhogaNe ## = experience(pleasure and pain); ##sarvahii ## = all; ##karmayoge.n ## = due to actions. ##matiima.nda ## = dim-witted; ##te.n ## = that; ##kheda ## = misery; ##maanii ## = considers; ##viyoge.n ## = separation. %versemeanings Vain is the worry one carries in the mind; Unexpected, the inevitable comes to pass; All experience is shaped by actions past; Misery the lot for the dim of wit, disjoined from the truth of mind .. 17.. -------------------------------------------------------- Original Marathi manaache shloka by Samarth Ramadas. Translations by Sunder Hattangadi. Sanskrit verse by raamadaasaanudaasa (anonymous). ITRANS 5.1 scheme: -------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- email: satsangh: bhajans:
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