Sri AparyApthAmrutha DhyAna sOpAnam: SlOkam 6
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sadagopan • Sat Mar 14 1998 - 07:06:32 PST
Dear BhakthAs of Sri AparyAptha Para Brahmam : Thirukkudanthai Desikan focuses here on the NaabhI of Sri PadmanAbhan resting in Thirukkudanthai as AparyAothAmruthan .The slOkam is as follows : kvachithkAlE svAntharnihitha chidhachitthtattva vithathi: bahUnAm dhAthrUNAm prabhava karanIbhUtha kamalA I gabIrA ksheerAbdhE : gurutara mahAvartha subhagA subhA nAbhI samyag lasathu hrudhi mE SaarngiNa iyam II Anvaya Kramam: kvachith kaalE svAnthar nihitha chidhachith tattva vithathi:bahUnAm dhAthrUNAm prabhava karaNI bhUta kamalA gabIrA kshIrAbdhE : gurutara mahAvartha subhagA SaarngiNa: SubhA iyam nAbhI mE hrudhi samyag lasathu Before we comment on the meanings of the words chosen by Thirukkudanthai Desikan to celebrate his enjoyment of the naabhI desam of Sri AarAvamudhan , ( Hema Rangan )let us reflect upon the enjoyment of the naabhI desam of Sri RanganAthA ( KasthUri Rangan ) by Swami Desikan in Sri Bhagavadh DhyAna sOpAnam and ThiruppANAzhwAr in AmalanAdhipirAn paasurams . In his pUrvAvathAram as Swami Desikan , this AchAryA stood before Sri RanganathA and described his anubhavam of the beauty of the Thiruvunthi ( NaabhI desam ) of the Lord : samprINAthi prathikalamasou maanasam mE sujAthA gambheerathvAth kvachana samayE gUtanikshiptha visvA I nAleekEna spurtiha rajasa vEdhasO nirmimANA ramyAvartha dhyuthi sahacharI RanganAthasya Naabhi: II Swami Desikan assesses that Naabhi as " kvachana samayE gUta nikshiptha visvA " ( At one time , that nAbhI hid the whole worlds inside it ) . Thirukkudanhtai Desikan echos that train of thought with the choice of words , " kvachith kAlE svantharnihitha chidh achith tattva vithathi: "( on a special time -praLayam - AarAvamudhan kept inside the nAbhi the whole collection of the sentients and the insentients of the Universe and protected them ).The overlap of words , " kvachana samayE/kavachith kaalE , gUta nikshiptha visvA/svantharnihitha chidh achith tattva vithathi: " can only be understood as the Thirukkudanthai Desikan's relation to Swami Desikan as his aparAvathAram . Comments on " Kvachith kAlE --Vithathi: *************************************** NammAzhwAr described the Lord as " yellA ulahum udaya oru mUrthy " to salute the Lord who protected the chEthanAchEthanAthmaka prapancham of His during the ferocity of the time of deluge ( mahA PraLayam ) . Thirumangai described the kvachith kaalam and the kavachana samayam in his paasuram on Thirukkudanthai perumAn this way : aNdatthin muhadazhundha alai munneer thirai tathumpa aa aa yenru , tondarkkum amararkkum munivarkkum taan aruLi , ulahamEzhum undottha ThiruvayiRRinahampatiyil vaitthummai konda , KONDAL KAI MANIVANNAN TANN KUDANTHAI nahar paadi aadeergaLE The water has risen to the edge of aNdam ( brahmAndam ) at the time of PraLayam.The giant waves are striking and sweeping away every thing in its way. The thondars ogf the Lord , devAs and the sages are crying out for help of the aasritha rakshakan .The ever-compassionate aapath bhAndavan comes to their rescue and places them all in the safe abode of His naabhi and floats safely on those praLayA waters on top of a pupil leaf as Vata pathra sAyee. The quality of the rakshathvam of the Naabhi of the Parama dayALu is saluted here. Next, Thirukkudanthai Aandavan salutes the other happenings at the sacred nAbhi of the PadmanAbhan : " bahUnAm dhAthrUNAm prabhavakaraNI bhUtha kamalA " He recognizes the nAbhi as the place of birth of limitless BrahmAs during the numerous kalpAs . The time span and its unimaginable sweep is indicated by Thirumangai in one of his KazhicchIrAma ViNNagara paasurams : " naanmuhan nALL mihat tarukkai irukku vaymai nalamihisIromasanAl naviRRu " . Once , a BrahmA got very proud about his longevity. The Lord wanted that BrahmA to gain a perspective on his mortality and longevity . He pointed BrahmA to a great sage by the name of Romasar . When one hair fell of Romasar's body , the age of one BrahmA was over. That is the life span of BrahmA . It was very educational for BrahmA and he became huumble . At this nAbhi , countless BrahmAs( BahUnAm dhAthruNAm ) are created ( prabhava karaNI bhUtha) and engage in the act of creation at the command of the Lord .The creation of BrahmAs in His naabhi is saluted by Thirumangai in the special prabhandham he created for Thirukkudanthai AparyApthAmruthan ( ThiruvEzhukURRirukkai ): " oru pErunthi iru malart-tavisil , oru muRai ayanai InrAnai " . Swami Desikan salutes the creation of BrahmA on top of the beautiful Lotus flower arising out of the naabhi desam of the Lord as : " spuritha rajasA nAleekEna vedasa: nirmimANA " .That lotus wiht its multitude of pollen dust produces the many BrahmAs over aeons according to NigamAntha mahA desikan .ThiruppANAzhwaar wonders about that aspect of creation of many BrahmAs this way : "ayanai padaitthathOr yezhil unthi mElanRO adiyEn uLLatthin yuirE ". That naabhi is deep ( gabhirA )to hold all that chethanAchEthanams and is auspicious (subhA ) because it engages in the subha kaaryam of creation of the BrahmA and thru him , the myriad sentients and the insentients of the Lord's universe .Swami Desikan uses the word "gambheeram " to desribe the depth and profound nature of the nAbhi of Sri RanganAthA .Thirukkudanthai Desikan chose the word "GabhIrA" to reflect the same sense of wonder . Next , The two Desikans focus on the shape of the naabhi desam , which reminds them of a mighty whirlpool in the milky ocean ( Suzhal ) .Swami Desikan describes it as : RamyAvartha dhyuthi sahachari ( the beautiful naabhi characterized by the many delightful swirls of the deep ocean ) . Thirukkudanthai Desikan goes one step further and describes the mighty suzhal (whirlpool ) as : KshIrAbdhE : gurutara mahAvartha subhagA ( that mighty swirl seen in the milky ocean , which is most enjoyable to look at ) . Both Desikans and ThiruppANAzhwAr confess that their mind melts over the sight(darsanam ) of the most beautiful nAbhi desam of the Lord reclining on AdhisEshA along the banks of the river Cauveri .Their words are : unti mElanRo adiyEN uLLatthin uyirE-- ThiruppaaNar asou naabhi: --prathikalam mE maanasam sampreeNAthi-- Swami Desikan, Bhagavdh DhyANa sOpAnam SaarngiNa : subhA iyam naabhI mE hrudhi samyak lasathu : --Thirukkudanthai Desikan on AarAvamuthan Both the Desikans were inspired by the anubhavam of ThiruppANAzhwAr , who described his experience as the life of his mind ( uLLatthin uyirE ) . Swami Desikan stated that this anubhavam melts his heart every minute ( prathikalam mE maanasam sampreeNAthi ) . Thirukkudanthai Desikan prayed for that experience to last forever and well ( samyag lasathu ). Swami Desikan himself in his Muni vAhana BhOgam quotes a slOkam from Sri VishNU tattvam to explain the root cause of such profound anubhavam : " svOjjIvanEcchA yadhi tE svasatthAyAm spruhA yadhi AATHMA DAASYAM HARE: SWAMYAM SVABHAVAM CHA SADHA SMARA " ( Meaning ) :If you are intersted in your salvation , please remind yourself always of your nature as an eternal servitor ( daasA )of the Lord , who is the undisputed Swami and your indissoluble relationship as the sEshan of the sarva sEshI . The slokam refers to the Ujjeevanam and the ujjeevana icchA ( the escape from SamsArA and the desire for cutting asunder the cycles of the endless births and deaths ). The slOkam reminds one to constantly remember the uRavu /the relationship ) that is indissoluble ( ozhikka ozhiyAthu ) as the jeevan's role as a servant to the Lord for all times to come . ThiruppANar and the two Desikans became svabhAva dAsya PrathibhOdhakAs ( those who understood the natural and unalterable relationship between the Lord and themselves as the Master and servants ) . This awareness and chinthanA happened because of the parama kAruNIka katAksham (the most merciful and compassionate glances of the Lord ) falling on them . Not only did they acheive Ujjeevanam , but they also gave us upadEsam about how we can ralize ujjeevanam by Bhagavadh Anubhavam in the manner suggested by GeethAchAryan : macchitthA madhgathaprANA bhOdhayantha: parasparam I kathayanthasccha maam nithyam tushyanthi cha ramanthi cha II --- Srimadh Bhagavadh GeethA : 10.9 ( meaning : These paramaikAnthis and Jn~Anis fix their minds in Me , they root their jeevans in Me and live for Me, they recite My divya charithram for the benefit of one another , they accept the words of fellow bhagavathAs as the true one and consider those upadEsams as the fruit of their lives and stay immersed in that blissful state . With their minds wholly fixed in Me , with their senses deeply absorbed in Me , enlightening one another , and always speaking of Me , they are satisfied and delighted . They are BudhAs and BhAva samanvithA : according to the Lord . In the next slOkam , GeethAchaaryan states how He blesses such BhakthAs : " dadhAmi Bhuddhi yOgam " . To them , ever steadfast and serving me with affection , I give that Buddhi Yogam by which they come unto Me. Buddhi Yogam is devotion of right knowledge thru dhyANam ( Bhagavdh DhyAna sOpANam , AparyApthaamrutha DhyAna sOpAnam ) . They climb the steps ( sOpAnam )of Buddhi yOgam and enjoy the Lord at paramapadham . Sri Thirukkudanthai Desikan ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam DaasAnu Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan
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