Re: manobodhaH - 10
From the Bhakti List Archives
Shree • Sat Mar 07 1998 - 19:51:04 PST
From: Ramkumar14:47 Ever hold on to the love for Rama; The grief from your heart relieve ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Lord is always there for us to take our grief away and we only have to ask Him! In Kerala, along the roadside there are stone parapets, the height of a person's head. When people need to rest from carrying heavy loads of rice or fruit on their heads, they stand next to the parapet and shift their load onto it. The Lord is the perennial parapet, standing at exactly the right height for each one of us. For those of us who are extremely selfish, he stands very tall to support the huge load, for those average in selfishness, the parapet is of average height and for the selfless, the parapet can hardly be seen because the burden is so light that almost no support is required. Through the practice of meditation, we can gradually learn to shift our load into the Lord's mighty arms. We like to think that we make big decisions and carry terrible responsibilities on our shoulders. Our shoulders are bent, our back gives us problems and we are too tired to stand on our feet because of the mighty burdens that we try to bear. Few of us realize that there is somebody standing with arms outstretched, just waiting to carry our burdens. Ram & Sowmya _____________________________________________________________________________ Sowmya The Bhagavad Gita homepage or
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