Re: siRiya thirumadal..
From the Bhakti List Archives
Parthasarati Dileepan • Thu Mar 28 1996 - 17:28:36 PST
On Wed, 27 Mar 1996 15:55:42 -0800 (PST) Vijay said: > >Sri. Dileepan wrote... >---------------------------START QUOTE------------------------------- > ivaRRinidai adhanai = the last among these, i.e. inbam > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > araar ... > > seeraar irukalaiyum eydhuvaar = they will have the other > two as well, for there is > no "inbam" in the absence of > "aRam" and "poruL" >-----------------------------END QUOTE----------------------------------- > >where does he say "Last among these" (if at all we go along those lines, >isn't 'kadai' = Last?). The entire line is: "aar aar ivaRRinidai adhanai eydhuvaar, seeraar irukalaiyum eydhuvaar" When separated as above this means, "those who attain the one among the three would attain the other two as well." Then, which is the one, of the three, when attained implicitly indicates the earlier attainment of the other two. Note that the order in which the three objects are attained is supposed to be aRam, then poruL, and then finally inbam. Therefore, those who have attained "inbam" (adhanai eydhuvaar) would already have the other two as well (seerar irkalaiyum eydhuvaar). (The above is completely based upon the commentary by Uththamoor Sri Veeraraghavachari published by Sri Visishtadvaitha Pracharini Sabha, 27, Venkatesa Agraharam, Mylapore, Madras 600 004.) -- dhaasan parthasarati dileepan
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