Madal Urdal

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Wed Mar 27 1996 - 10:33:18 PST

Sri Dileepan writes :

"   Azhvaar went against the Tamil tradition and portrayed
   a female performing "madal Urdhal" as expression of
   intense and insatiable love.  Madal Urdhal is extremely
   painful and thus the target of this action, a damsel,
   and her family, acquiesces for the fulfillment of the man's
   love.  Parakaala Nayaki risks public ridicule by venturing
   upon this "madal Urdhal" for it is forbidden for women.

Could someone please explain the practice of madal oordal ? I take it the
explanation for it being forbidden is contained in the practice.

Thank you,
