From the Bhakti List Archives
Vijay Srinivasan
• Fri Mar 22 1996 - 09:34:05 PST
I want to thank Sundar for his pertinent observations. We know from our
ordinary experience that even for smaller achievements in life we need to make
some efforts/sacrifice. Moksha being the highest goal, I find it impossible to
conceive that it can be obtained without any effort. I would like to quote a
upanishadic verse which says: (Shreyastcha Preyascha Manushyametha thou,
Sampariktya Vivinakthi Dheeraha.......) There are two paths - the good and
the pleasant. The wise and discriminating choose the good etc. In the scheme
of things, I am unable to reconcile the fact that living a life of comfort with
a license to do what we please (except for the societal restrictions) has no
relation to obtaining moksha.
Vijayaraghavan Srinivasan