Re: bhakti-digest V2 #16
From the Bhakti List Archives
krish • Fri Mar 22 1996 - 05:33:44 PST
The comments of Sunder and Vijay are thought provoking. Thank you both for understanding my frame of mind. I have always been touched by the Snaskrit Stotras and Tamil malais. Their sonorous tone does captivate one into meditation. Most of them use this aspect. The Suprbhatham is a good example, starting with a slow pace, by the time one arrives at Kamala-cucuchacho, your mind races with the music and you are left with concentration of the music and forget mundane concerns. The vedas ar the same. But as one tries to translate them, I seem to miss the charm. Our attributes to our Lord are mostly of physical prowess Suppose the field of science had reached its height then, would we associated him as super mathematician or a biologist? I think :detachment" is a great answer, but it probably comes as one grows older and has reduced responsibilities to family or society. Shankara puts it nicely in BajaGovindam: Balah thavath Kreedsakthha, etc. Krishna Praba
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