Re: Offensive verses

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Thu Mar 21 1996 - 12:09:57 PST

On Wed, 20 Mar 96 22:23:40 EST I said:
>saakkiyap pEykaLum      :  Sankyaas (Bhuddists) who
>                           contest their guru Bhuddha, thus
>                           pEy (demons) [1]
>sooniya vaatharum       :  Sankyaas who do not contest
>                           Bhuddha (as opposed to the other
>                           Sankyas mentioned above)

   In the above Sankyas must be "Saakyaas".  I regret the
   error.  I now understand the two terms are different.

-- pd

p.s. Thanks Mani for letting me know.