vishNu sahasranAmam (6)
From the Bhakti List Archives
'srini' Srinivasan Srivilliputhur • Thu Mar 21 1996 - 11:40:56 PST
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PB = Translation of srI parAsara bhattar's commentary. SA = Translation of srI sankarAchArya's commentary. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (sl-9) ISvaro vikramI dhanvI medhAvi vikramaH kramaH anuttamo durAdharshaH kRtaj~naH kRtir AtmavAn 74 ISvaraH PB: The Ruler. He is ISvara because He can exercise His Will unimpeded, even though His Supreme abode is boundless. Vide- "His desires are true and His will also is true", "He moves as He likes". SA: The Omnipotent Being. 75 vikramI PB: The most powerful. His very nature dispels even the remotest possibility of anything going against His will. SA: The Courageous One (He has unrestrained power). 76 dhanvI PB: He always has his celestial bow (SArNga), appropriate to His unrivalled prowess and Glory. This also suggest His possessing all the other Celestial Weapons. SA: One armed with a bow. gItA (10.31) says: "I am rAmA among who bear weapons". 77 medhAvi PB: The Omniscient. This Omniscience is eternal, natural, boundless and appropriate. SA: He who has great intelligence capable of grasping all texts. 78 vikramaH PB: He who moves about on the bird (garuda). Garuda is the embodiment of the vedas. He is carried to us by the vedas. Vide- "May I attain and bow to that servant of the Lord with golden feathers. May that garuda inspire us". SA: He who crosses kramaNa (i.e. transcends samsAra). Or, one who has 'viH', bird (i.e. garuda) as His mount. 79 kramaH PB: He is kramaH because He is full to the brim with the eternal riches described above. The root 'kRm' in Atmanepada means 'to widely expand' and hence the name refers to the expanded moksha sphere, which is an Ananda form of the Lord". SA: vishNu is called 'kramaH', because He is the cause of 'kramaNa' or crossing of the ocean of samsAra by the devotees. Or, because from Him all 'krama' or the manifestation of the Universe, has occured. 80 anuttamaH PB: The unsurpassed as "There is none higher than He". gItA(7.7)- "There is nothing greater than Myself, O dhananjaya!". SA: He than whom nothing is greater. nArU.(12.3) says: "yasmAt param nAparam asti ki~ncid - He whom there is none to excel", gItA (11.4) says: "there is none equal to Thee. Where can there be any one greater?" 81 durAdharshaH PB: Who is unassailable. As He is firmly and eternally established in the paramapada, He is not liable to be affected by time or any other factors. Vide- "Like the deep ocean, bhagavan is ever inperturbable", "He resembles the Ocean by virtue of His profound nature". SA: One whom none (asurAs) can overcome. 82 kRtaj~naH PB: He who is grateful/appreciative (of even the little attention paid to Him by humans in the world). Bhagavan says in gItA: "Even if one were of wicked ways, if he but worships Me exclusively, he must be regarded as righteous. For he is rightly resolved". SA: He who know about everything that has been done (kRta) by jIvAs. Also one who is pleased with token/simple offerings like leaves, flowers, water and fruits, as said in gItA. 83 kRtiH PB: He is Himself that Act. That virtuous act of the jIvAs owes its origin to Him who is pleased. Vide- "He makes that person do virtuous acts whom He wants to lift up fro the material world". SA: He is effort or act of everyone. As the Supreme, He is the root cause of every act. 84 AtmavAn PB: The possessor of souls. The souls that do such (virtuous) acts are His own property since their essential nature and actions are dependent on Him. SA: One established in His own greatness, i.e. requiring no other support than Himself. ChU. (7.24.1) says: "What is that in which, O bhagavan, That is established? In His own greatness itself". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (sl-10) sureSaH SaraNam Sarma viSva-retAH prajA-bhavaH ahaH samvatsaro vyAlaH pratyayaH sarva-darSanaH 85 sureSaH PB: The Lord of all the Gods (brahma and other devAs); He directs and controls them in their functions. Brahma says: "By the Grace of bhagavan acyuta, I have become the creator; and by His wrath, rudra became the destroyer. That acyuta is the cause of the sustenance(of this Universe)". SA: The Lord of suras or devas. Or, it can also mean the the greatest of those who bestow good (suraH can be split as suH=good and rA=bestow gift). 86 SaraNam PB: The Refuge (for all). People who take refuge in Him could dwell in Him for ever. Vide- "nivAsaH SaraNam suhRt. gatinArAyaNaH - nArAyNa is the abode, the refuge, friend and the goal of attainment". SA: He who removes the sorrows of those in distress (ArthAH). 87 Sarma PB: Supreme Bliss/Highest Object to be realized. The suffix 'manin' denote the sense of happiness. Vide- "sarvagandhaH sarvarasaH - He is all taste, all smell", "ka brahman kham brahman - brahman is (Supreme) Happiness, brahman is the ether", "Anando brahman - brahman is Bliss". SA: He is Supreme Bliss. 88 viSva-retAH PB: He who is the cause and creator (of all). This explains how He is SaraNa and Sarma. viSvam is due to His action. All karmendriyas and j~nanendriyas are given by Him for doing service (kainkarya) at His feet. Vide- "All the seven praNas come out of Him". SA: The Seed/Cause of the Universe 89 prajA-bhavaH PB: He is the repository of all beings who are endowed with all sAdanas by Him for being near Him and doing service. SA: The Source of all beings. 90 ahaH PB: He who does not abandon anyone. gItA (6.4) says- "No one who does what is good, dear friend, ever meets a sad fate". SA: The Luminous One (there is absolutely no darkness in Him). 91 samvatsaraH PB: He lives for the uplift (of awakened souls). gItA (10.10)- "I extend that gnanayoga to them by which they reach Me", "I lift them up". SA: As He is kAla-swarUpa vushNu (Time is a form of vishNu), He is samvatsara or year. 92 vyAlaH PB: He who accepts (the devotees) with out stretched arms. rAmA says: "AnayaInam harisreshTh dattamasyAbhayam maya - O! chief of monkeys, bring him (vibhIshaNa) here, for I have extended protection to Him". SA: He is vyAla because He is ungraspable like a snake. 93 pratyayaH PB: He is pratyayaH since one places confidence in Him. For He makes all have confidence in him. Vide- "That Diety who reveals knowledge about Himself". kRshNa tells yudhiStira in sabha parva of mahAbhArata: "If you have confidence (pratyaya) in Me, entrust bhIma and arjuna to me to be taken to jarAsandha's place". SA: One who is of the nature of consciousness (praj~na or pratIti) "praj~nAnam brahma- brahman is pure consciousness"(AitU 3.5.3) 94 sarva-darSanaH PB: He who displays all (His glory) to them (who have faith in Him). Vide- "To him alone the Supreme shows His Self". SA: One with eyes everywhere. As the Lord has assumed all forms, the eye-sight of all beings are His. "viSvataS cakshuH- One with eyes everywhere" (SvetU. 3.3), "viSvAksham- One endowed with all senses" (nArU. 13.1). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- S. G. Srinivasan email : Graduate Student Dept. Of Mater. Sci. & Engg. Room 204, Roberts Hall, BOX 352120 University Of Washington Phone : (206)-632-1083 (H) Seattle, WA 98195-2120 (206)-685-3851 (W) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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