Revathi: NamperumaaL's Thiru Nakshatram
From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Sadagopan • Wed Mar 20 1996 - 18:27:20 PST
Dear Members of the Prapatti Group: Tomorrow is the day, when Revathi Constellation is in ascendance. Revathi is associated with the Janma Nakshatram of Sri Ranganatha , just as Sravana Nakshatram is associated with Sri Venkatesa of Thirumalai as his birth star. Although it is odd to consider a particular nakshatram as the one associated with the Lord, who is never "born", traditionally , Archa Murthys have been associated with a day in an Year that is particularly important to them. It so happens that Sri Ranganatha, the eternal one without an end or beginning has Panguni Revathi as his Birth Star. Sri Ranganayaki has Panguni Uttaram as her Star . This Panguni month is therefore doubly blessed for the devotees of Kasturi Rangan and His Illustrious consort. I will share with you some of the thoughts on the Vedic Significance of the Word Revathi , since Sri Ranganatha is the Veda Purushan . The word Revati or association with the concept of Revati occurs in all of the four Veda Samhitaas. The mantram 35 of Chapter 23 of the Yajur Vedam refers to the Raivati verses this way: MahaanaamnyO REVATYOH viswaa Aaasaa prabhUvaree: I Maigheervidhyuthoh vaaccha: Sucheebhi : samyantu tvaa II (Meaning at One Level): May the Mahaanaamni and Revati Vedic verses spread all the way upto the supreme regions , which appear like the lightning in the clouds and which are recited by the devoted subjects please the mighty Lord! Revatis are the verses from which the Raivata Saaman of the Saama Veda is formed . This name as Raivata Saaman is connected to the Rg Vedic Verse ( Canto I. 30.13 ) , where the word Revati is used to symbolize Wealth, Opulence, Abundant Riches, Prosperity, Brilliance, splendour, Beauty and other kalyana Gunaas of the Lord saluted through the Many names of Vishnu Sahasra Naamam. In another mantram of Yajur Veda, We come across the reference to Revati again. This is the 21st mantram of Canto III : REVATHI ramadhvamasminyonaavasmin Goshtehsmimllokehsmin Kshayeh I Ihaiva stha maapagaata II Here Revati is intrepreted as the Sacred Vedic Speech . It is requested to remain in the Vedic altar , in the Yajna , in the spot of the Yajna and in the house,where the Yajna is being conducted. The prayer is "Oh, Revati ! Do not go away from here! Remain Just here and go not thence is the prayer. Satapatha Brahmana composed by Yajnavalkya explains the intrepretation of Revati as Vedic Speech through his observation: "Vaagvai Revati ". Lord Ranganatha is then the essence of Vedic Speech or the one pervading Vedic Speech or the utterances of the Vedas. This Veda Purusha is requested by another Yajur Mantram to ascend to the Zenith and bless us: Urdvamaaroha --- Raivatheh Saamaani ---- ( Yajur Vedam: X.14 ). Before we focus on the Rg Veda Mantraa that is behind the Raivata Saamans of the Saama Veda, Let us salute the Atharva Vedic Verse referring to the Revati Principle. The Verse is found in the Ninth Khaanda of Atharva Veda in Hymn 7.3 . The Mantram is as follows: VIDHYUJJIHVAA MARUTOH DANTAA REVATIRGREEVAA: KRITTIKAA SKANDHAA DHARMOH VAHA : In this mantra conceptualizing the entire Universe as a Cow, Revati , one of the stars of the Lunar mansion is equated to the neck of the Cosmic Cow. The Krittika star is recognized as the shoulder of this Cow. Symbolism of the neck is invoked here. The central Mantra related to Revati is the Rg Vedic mantram (I.30.13). The entire Thirtieth Chapter of Canto I of Rg Veda is a splendid tribute to the Ananta Kalyana Gunaas of the Lord and a prayer for his blessings . There are 22 verses in this chapter . All but the last three verses deal with the request for Communion with the generous Lord. We will salute the 13th Rk first and then summarize the meaning of the rest of the related verses. REVATHIR NA : SADHAMAADHA INDREH SANTHU TUVIVAAJAA: I KSHUMNATHOH YABHIR MADEHMA II (RG VEDAM : I.30.13 ) Meaning: O Resplendent God! May Thou share our spiritual Joy! May we have abundant nourishment , and May our Medha(Intellect) be unclouded and sharp, so that we are full of devotion for You ! may we Live in a state of unalloyed Bliss in union with You ! A condensed summary (excerpts ) of the other verses of I.30 of Rg Vedam is as follows: Verse 1: Just as Farmers dig a well and fill their fields with water, may our hearts be filled with devotion for You, the resplendent God! Verse 2: May our sublime and pristine devotion for You flow in hundreds and thousands of streams towards You , the resplendent God, just as the river and its tributaries rush towards the Ocean. Verse 3 : May All our devout prayers , which are poured forth to please You be treasured in Your heart like water in the vast Ocean ! Verse 6: May we establish Communion with You for our guidance! Verse 7: On every occasion , in every noble Kainkaryam, we invoke thee , the best among our friends for our protection and happiness . Verse 8: When He listens to our Invocations, He assuredly comes to us with thousands of generous bounties and benedictions.( This is an expression of the Maha Viswaasam of the supplicant.) Verse 9: I too invoke thee ,who created this Universe and the eternal elements. Our ancestors have also been invoking You . Verse 10: Desirous of Communion with You, we invoke You as our best friend and we take refuge in You. Be gracious to us, your dedicated and loyal servants. Verse 12: O Mighty God! O Dispeller of all of the miseries! We yearn for Your friendship and beseech You to respond to our love. Verse 18 & 19 : O God! Desroyer of the Wicked ! Your gift of body to us , is like the gift of chariot with the immortal soul residing within it. It aspires to reach beyond this material world and travel across space to You.----- the spirit soars high in search of the immortal. ONLY YOU CAN TAKE US TO OUR DESIRED DESTINATION (PARAMA PADAHAM ). As we reflect on the 247 verses of the Azhwaars, the echoes of the above Vedic pronouncements are heard again and again. May we seek the protection of the Saranaagatha Rakshakaa every day and approach Him in the spirit of the above Reavti Saamans and request Him to grant us the boon of unceasing memory of Him. PAADHAAMBHOJAM SPRUSATHI BHAJATEH RANGANATHASYA JANGHAAM URUDHWANDHVEH VILAGATHI SANAIRURDHWAMABHYETI NAABHIM I VAKSHASYAASTEH VALATHI BHUJAYOR MAAMIKEYAM MANEESHAA VAKTRAABHIKYAAM PIBHATI VAHATEH VAHATEH VAASANAAM MOWLIBHANDEH II --Sri Vedantha Desika's Sri Bhagavad Dhyaana Sobhaanam : Verse 10 With this prayer of Nigamaantha Maha Desikan celebrating his enjoyment of the beauty of all the limbs of Sri Ranganatha , I salute Sri Revatisambhavan on his birth day , which is tomorrow. Oppiliappan Koil Varadachari Sadagopan Yugaadi Celebration Day, March 20, 1996.
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