Re: Crossing ocean and outmoded custom
From the Bhakti List Archives
Unknown Sender • Thu Mar 14 1996 - 13:38:11 PST
Re: outmoded custom I have asked a scholar this very question. The reason why this was considred unacceptable in the years past were the following: 1. Crossing the ocean (and it was an objection to ocean crossing) was that one desecrated the ocean. This desecration came in the form of execretion, urination, etc. In the old days, this was an issue. Today this is less of an issue. 2. One should not die away and not have Vedic rites performed. In those days, when travel took long, and ocean voyages were highly dangerous, it was possible for one to die in the ocean and not have the Vedic rites done properly. Again, this is less of an issue today. Look, I am not advocating that one should take ones head and leave it at office. clearly, we are thinkinng individuals. Being a PhD, it is very hard for me to accept anything that is said to me without questioning. I agree that such questioning should be extended to our religion as weell. The basic point I make is that it should be done within the framework of our religious establishment and tradition. Liberatarian views are fine but there is a danger. Namely, it could lead to licentiousness. After all, one could argue that God is merficul and why should it matter what I do. All I need to do is Prapatti and all is well and He will forgive all my transgression. This is true in spirit, but is this what one wants to advocate for our society? I instead feel that we should try as much as possible to keep within the framework of our traditions. Approach our acharyas and learned scholars and seek answers to questions that face us. I think we should learn prayers from books, not philosophy and sampradya. Christianity spread far and wide on the account of the printing press. It is not clear to me that our sampradaya will have a similar kind history. Culturally, our traditions are different and our outlook is different. Let's recognize that before we advocate revolution. sk
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