vishNu sahasranAmam - (3)
From the Bhakti List Archives
'srini' Srinivasan Srivilliputhur • Tue Mar 12 1996 - 08:38:49 PST
I'll use the abbreviation SA and PB respectively to denote SankarAcharyA's and ParAsara Bhattar's commentaries. Sundar posted the Mangala slokas from PB's version on March 11, 1996. In this posting I'll post the Mangala slokas due to SA. I'll strive to post translations to at least 10 slokas every Friday (except when I'm out of Seattle March 23-29, whole of May and some time in June) Abbreviation Key: MuU - Mundaka Upanisad; KeU - Kena; KaU - Katha; BrU - Brihadharanyaka; Mangala Slokas (SankarAcArya) ----------------------------- sankara begins his commentary with these 3 mangala slokas. (SA-1) saccidAnandarUpAya kRshNAyAklishtakAriNe namo vedAntavedyAya gurave buddhisAkshiNe [ "Obeisance to kRshNa whose nature is sat (existence/being), cit (consciousness) and Ananda (bliss), who performs his functions without any effort, who is cognized by the vedAnta, who is the guru (teacher) and who is the witness of buddhi". Sankara wants to impress us that although kRshNa, in whose praise the sloka is sung is saguNa brahmaN, he is sat cit Ananda swarUpa parabrahmaN. He is not only vishNu but also the ultimate parabrahmaN or the supreme self. ] (SA-2) kRshNAdvaipAyanam vyAsam sarvalokahite ratam vedAbjabhaskaram vande SamAdinilayam munim [ "I worship the muni kRshNAdvaipAyana vyAsa, devoted to the welfare of the world, who is to the vedas as the sun is to the lotus and who is the fountain of self-control". The words "kRshNAdvaipAyanam vyAsam" is a reminder of the famous text, "kRshNAdvaipAyanam vyAsam viddhi nArAyaNam prabhum", and show that he is an avatAra of vishNu. He is the sun causing the lotusses to blossom. The vedas were in a massy and unclassified condition and they were like closed lotuses. vedavyAsa classified and handed them to the world for our moral and spiritual welfare. In Chapter 10 of Gita (vibhUti yoga), kRshNa says "Of all sages, Iam vyAsa". ] (SA-3) sahasramUrteH purushottamasya sahasranetrAnana pAdabAhoH sahasraNamam stavanam praSastam nirucyate janmajarAdiSAtyai [ "The admirable stotra containing the thousand names of the supreme pUrusha (person) who has thousands of forms, eyes, faces, feet and arms is now being expounded to enable the creation to overcome the samsAric evils". The pUrusha sUkta, found in all the 4 vedas, describes the cosmic pUrusha divinity as having one thousand heads, eyes, and feet. Sankara suggests in this sloka that the number of names viz. one thousand is quite appropriate for a stotra of the cosmic pUrusha having one thousand eyes, faces, feet and forms. He echoes the sloka of brahmadeva, recited at the end of the stotra saluting the SaSvata ananta purusha of one thousand forms, legs, eyes, heads and hands possessing one thousand names existing for one thousand crores of years i.e. for ever. ] nAmAvali (one thousand names) ---------------------------- Before reciting the 1000 names of vishNu, bhIshma makes it clear to his listeners that all the names are are very well known names of the self of the universe, which are expressive of His attributes, which are famous and which are ever and anon sung with Ananda (joy) by Rshis. Whether they are proper or attribute names, they convey the great guNas and beneficient aspects and deeds of the AtmA of the universe. bhIshma considers the recitation of sahasranAmam as the greatest dharma. As He (vishNu) realizes, receives and enjoys the object here, He is named AtmA. He is the only AtmA who possesses unimaginamble powers. All the four purushArthas - the four objects of human aspiration, viz, dharma, artha, kAma and moksha are attainable through the chanting of the sahasranAmam. As the first name in the series 'viSwam' indicates, it is an easy and effective remedy for all samsAric ills without any restrictions whatsoever. Among the 1000 names the words 'Sun' etc. are used because they are not only His manifestations (vibhUtis) and are not distinct from Him. The vishNu purANa says: "You are the AtmA in all indriyas. You are tyhe chief AtmA. You are the jIvAtmA. You are the ultimate supreme AtmA (paramAtmA). Yopu are the one AtmA manifested in all these five ways". "Everything luminous and illuminating is vishNu. All the world systems are vishNu; all the woods are vishNu; all the mountains, all the rivers, all the oceans and in fact everything which is seen and everything that is unseen are all He alone". In Gita Lord kRshNa says: "Of all the AdityAs, Iam vishNu"; "Having pervaded this whole universe with a portition of Myself, I exist". According Mundakopanisad, "The purusha is all this- sacrifice, askesis, brahma, the highest, the immortal". These quotations provide a good background for a proper understanding of the importance of 1000 names of God. Accordinf Sankara, the words such as vishNu, though repeated, must be taken as referring to different aspects in different places. The 1000 names consist of words in masculine (qualify vishNu), feminine (qualify devatA) and neuter genders (qualify brahmaN). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S. G. Srinivasan email : Graduate Student Dept. Of Mater. Sci. & Engg. University Of Washington Phone : (206)-632-1083 (H) Seattle, WA 98195 (206)-685-3851 (W) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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